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?? "What? This is impossible, this is impossible." Song Ruhai lost the focus in his eyes. Song Chaoyun was the successor he tried so hard to cultivate, but now they say his son is dead?

?? Tian Yuelan looked around for a few times and didn’t realize that her daughter was panicked. She first asked a few of the Tian’s disciples who had gone to the secret realm. They all said they hadn’t seen them, and then turned their eyes on Song Zhixia, her son. It was to go to the secret realm where Song Zhixia was close, so he asked: "I wonder if Brother Song's daughter has seen my son and daughter?"

?? Song Ruhai's eyes recovered a little focus, "Zhi Xia, have you seen Tian Zhangmen's son?"

?? Song Zhixia glanced at Song Ruhai coldly and said, "I never saw it."

?? Tian Yuelan immediately became anxious: "Impossible, why are you all out, how about my son and daughter? And at that time, I agreed with Song Zhangmen, let my son and Song Zhixia cultivate and cultivate the relationship, how could he not? With you?"

?? "Where do we know that this secret realm is so big, this time even Song Clan himself has lost a lot of disciples, and it is normal to have deaths and injuries." Song Weizhi took Song Zhixia's hand and said indifferently.

?? "You, what is your attitude? It seems that I am going to teach you a lesson for Song Master." Tian Yuelan actually slapped Song Weizhi.

?? Song Wei pushed Song Zhixia away with one hand, and took out a palm with the other hand effortlessly.

?? Song Weizhi's lips smiled. It was obvious that she took this palm very easily. After receiving it, she looked at Tian Yuelan jokingly, but there was a trace of blood flowing from the corner of Tian Yuelan's lips.

?? Seeing Tian Yuelan vomiting blood, Song Weizhi raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm sorry, head of Tian, ​​it made her strength a bit stronger." But there was no apology in her tone.

?? Tian Yuelan just used ten percent of her palm, but Song Weizhi vomited blood. She stroked her chest and said, "Song Zhangmen is really a good apprentice to teach."

?? Song Ruhai is in a state of confusion at the moment. He originally wanted to make a double happiness, but now he has all messed up. The life and death of his son is unknown, and the son and daughter of the Tian family are gone.

?? "Head Tian, ​​let's find the people first before talking about other things." Song Ruhai got back a bit of reason now, thinking that as long as he didn't see Song Chaoyun's corpse, he would have to look for it.

?? Tian Yuelan thought about it, and besides, she couldn't beat Song Weizhi, so she should find her daughter and son first before saying, "Huh, Tian's disciple, why don't you go look for it together?"

?? "Yes, the disciples take the order." So the Tian's disciples even took the Song disciples and started to look for people in the back mountain, and Zhao Fei also asked the disciples underneath to help find people.

?? Zhao Xuankun instructed the two Song disciples, Xu Wenyuan and Liang Qin, that things in the secret realm should rot in their stomachs, and everyone understood.

?? Song Weizhi saw that there was nothing wrong with them, so he said to Song Ruhai: "Head, then let's go back and rest first."

?? Song Ruhai felt a headache when she looked at her. Since he couldn't use Song Weizhi, he could not see the heart. Song Weizhi was so happy that he took Song Zhixia and flew the sword back to his small yard.

?? Wei Zhao seemed to have sensed something. He waited at the entrance of the small courtyard a long time ago. He saw Song Weizhi and immediately said, "Master, you are finally back."

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