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?? After the three elders have gone far, Song Chaoyun said: "Father, Song Weizhi's resignation is a good thing for our Song family."

?? Song Ruhai frowned slightly and said: "A good thing? Are you telling me what a good way?"

?? Song Chaoyun smiled and said, "Before we made a marriage contract with Zhao's because Song Weizhi is my sister. No matter she and her disciple are married, she will also go to our maiden family, but now we and Song Wei Without the fetters of blood, it can be seen these days that her attitude towards you is not the same as before. I think this is also the reason."

?? "Then what does this have to do with retiring? How can it be said that it is a good thing?" Song Ruhai then asked.

?? "Father, think about it, Song Weizhi originally no longer regarded us as his own. If she and Zhao Xuankun are really married, she will be a member of the Zhao clan in the future, and will not be with us Song clan. What’s the matter, it’s different after retiring. If she and Zhao retires and marry me, then everything will be different. She is the daughter-in-law of our Song family, and we still have to do the same for us Song family. Desperately desperately."

?? Song Ruhai's eyes lit up and said: "Yes, this is a good idea, why didn't my father think of it! It's just that the Zhao clan still has to find a way to comfort him, you kid, you really belong, but Song Weizhi's The looks and cultivation are enough to match you."

?? "Hey, thank you father for your perfection." Song Chaoyun thanked him with a fist, as if Song Weizhi was already willing to marry him.

?? Song Chaoyun has been thinking about Song Weizhi long since his life experience was made public, but he has the mind but not the courage. After all, Song Weizhi's cultivation is a realm higher than him, but now if you get him His father's support was different. Song Weizhi was determined to marry himself, and then to multiply descendants for the Song family.

?? The conversation between the father and son passed into Wei Zhao's ears word by word. Soon she went back and told Song Weizhi all this. Song Weizhi sneered: "Song Ruhai and the others are good calculations, but it's a pity. They want to be beautiful. It would be nice if they didn't ruin the Song clan, but they still dare to think of being a cow and a horse for the Song clan?"

?? "The master said, what shall we do next?" Wei Zhao asked respectfully from the side.

?? "Don't care about them, first retired the marriage and then talk about other things."

?? Early the next morning, the Song clan became lively. Zhao Fei, the head of the Zhao clan, brought his son Zhao Xuankun and many other disciples to the Song clan. Song Ruhai sent his confidant disciple Tianming to bring him. Many disciples came to greet him, and Song Weizhi was also invited to the hall.

?? She went there today to do something, no matter what the reason, she had to withdraw the marriage contract first.

?? In a short while, before dawn greeted Zhao's people and entered the hall, Song Ruhai and Zhao Fei exchanged greetings to bring the topic to the marriage between Song Weizhi and Zhao Xuankun.

?? "Hey, this time I came to stay for a while, mainly for the marriage of Kun'er and Weizhi. We have been waiting for so many years as the elders. I think it's about time, hahaha." Zhao Fei was kind. Said to Song Ruhai.

?? After Song Ruhai's remarks yesterday, Song Ruhai actually didn't want Song Weizhi and Zhao Xuankun to form a couple, but he didn't show it at all on the surface.

?? "Yes, we are all a successor, but for this kind of thing, we still have to ask the children's wishes. What do you think of Brother Zhao?" Song Ruhai deliberately threw the question to Zhao Fei, anyway, he knew Song Weizhi didn't want to get married, just because Song Weizhi was there now, she just let her speak for herself.

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