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?? Seeing Zhao Xuankun coming, Tian Junjie immediately said: "Brother Zhao, how are you, is it dangerous to come along the way?"

?? Zhao Xuankun saw the corpses of five Tian's disciples on the ground. He raised his eyebrows and said, "We just got caught in the ambush of spiders. Several of the disciples were injured, and then they separated again. What's the matter? How come there are so many disciples..." Zhao Xuankun did not continue.

?? Before Tian Junjie could answer, Tian Yanyan stood up and said with red eyes: "It's them, my juniors were killed by those two women." She said while pointing at Song. Wei Zhi and Song Zhixia went on to say, "Brother Zhao, if my brother doesn't help them take revenge, you must help me. These two women have a mean heart and can't keep them."

?? Tian Junjie glanced at Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia subconsciously, and found that they were regaining their strength and were busy stopping their sister. Other times, it’s nonsense. I have seen Song Weizhi’s power just now. Tian Junjie was worried that his sister would lose her life.

?? Zhao Xuankun glanced at Tian Yanyan and said nothing, but stepped back a few steps, backing to Song Weizhi and Song Zhixia.

?? Tian Yanyan was covered by Tian Junjie, but she still cursed and spit out: "People have retired from you, and you are still rushing to the other side, brother, oooooo, don't you Cover my mouth."

?? "Sister Ling knows a lot." Zhao Xuankun glanced at Tian Yanyan and said.

?? Tian Junjie wanted to use a cloth to gag his sister's mouth. Is this because he wanted to offend all the talented people in Linhai City before it was finished?

?? "I'm sorry, Brother Zhao, my sister-in-law is spoiled at home, so please don't be familiar with children."

?? Song Weizhi, who is cultivating and adjusting his breath, only feels that these people next to him are noisier than flies. This forest can enter or exit. Maybe there are more mysterious things waiting for them, so he is still in the mood to argue about these nonsense?

?? After a few breaths of Song Weizhi's aura, she opened her eyes and looked at the little girl next to her worriedly. Song Zhixia was still adjusting her breath. Song Wei put one hand behind Song Zhixia, and a warm aura passed through her palm. The stock spread to Song Zhixia's body, Song Zhixia opened her eyes to speak but was interrupted by Song Weizhi.

?? "Hey, don't be polite with me at this time, Xia Xia, maybe there will be a tough battle to be fought in a while, let me help you recover first." After speaking, she continued to concentrate on sending spiritual power to Song Zhixia.

?? Song Zhixia has just faced a monkey in a forest and has not been ambiguous, but when the senior sister gave her spiritual power, her eyes were secretly red. She really feels a little distressed by the senior sister. Most of the monkey tide just now is obviously the senior sister. The senior sister had consumed so much spiritual power when killed by herself, and now she still has to transfer spiritual power to herself, which made Song Zhixia feel a little uncomfortable.

?? After a few moments, Song Weizhi felt that Song Zhixia had enough spiritual power in his body, and then he stopped and took a few pills to restore spiritual power and started working.

?? Song Zhixia looked at her senior sister eagerly, Yu Guangzhong swept a person, and Song Zhixia frowned. Isn't this the future Taoist couple from the senior sister's divorce? Why did he come here too, it's really lingering!

?? Zhao Xuankun felt that he had been looking at him all the time. When he swept to the side, he saw Song Zhixia looking at him. Then Song Zhixia glared at him for no reason. Zhao Xuankun didn't know what he had done wrong? He was stared when he didn't do anything.

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