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A slight unnaturalness appeared on Gao Chengxuan's face, and Zhou Yeran's eyes in the distance seemed to be bursting out of fire. He confessed to the disciples around him a few times, and his expression returned to normal.

?? Gao Chengxuan returned to the position just now and said to Zhou Yeran: "I have a lot of things in the palace recently.

?? Zhou Yeran smiled openly and said: "You can live here but it is the honor of our entire Hanshan Sword Sect. I will immediately ask someone to arrange it for you."

Gao Chengxuan nodded and signaled that Zhou Yeran was leading the way, while he was riding in a car, and hundreds of soldiers followed him to protect.

?? Gao Chengxuan pinched a barrier, whispered a few words with a person called left-handed, and then sat on the frame and closed his eyes to rest.

?? On the other side, Song Weizhi randomly found a remote place nearby, made a barrier around the two of them, and opened the small wooden box in his hands. The yellow gas inside fell into Song Weizhi’s hands. Song Weizhi Pushing some spiritual energy into the gas, it pushed Song Zhixia into the body.

?? The little girl is quite familiar with this series of processes, but it takes a certain amount of time to refine the soul, so she started to meditate on the spot, while Song Weizhi carefully looked at the surrounding environment and got this piece by herself. The shard of the soul is equivalent to being watched by everyone, so it is better to be more cautious.

?? Sure enough, even half an hour's time has been useless, and someone has come to the door. The person headed is Qi Yingzhe, who has just competed with him. He is still behind him with dozens of disciples.

?? Song Weizhi quietly walked out of the barrier, "Is there anything wrong with Brother Qi?"

?? Qi Yingzhe glanced at Song Weizhi, then looked at Song Zhixia behind her and said, "Sister Song should go back with me. Master wants to see you."

?? "What if we don't go?" Song Weizhi said that Li Shuojian was already lying on his chest.

?? "Then I have to do it, Junior Sister Song is offended." Qi Yingzhe said as he took out his saber and held it in his hand.

?? One of Song Wei stood in front and protected Song Zhixia, who was still absorbing the fragments of the Yuanshen, behind her. At this time, she just thought that she could buy more time for the little girl. Song Weizhi injected spiritual power into the Li Shuo sword. In the middle of the game, the hit Hengyi sword stabbed out and left nothing behind. Some of the disciples behind Qi Yingzhe were photographed more than ten meters away, vomiting a lot of blood in their mouths.

?? Qi Yingzhe didn't expect Song Weizhi to really dare to be cruel, "Junior Sister Song, the master just wants you to pass the hall, why hurt people?"

?? Song Weizhi said with a sneer: "A narration? I'm afraid it is to let us go and not return."

?? "You will know if you have gone, Song Weizhi, you are no different from betraying the master. Then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless." Qi Yingzhe said, as if the sword power was like a thousand pounds, it was smashed towards Song Weizhi. When he came over, Song Weizhi poured spiritual power into one of his palms, and when he slapped it over, Qi Yingzhe turned his back on his horse and spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground.

?? And at this time, Qi Yingzhe’s rescuers also arrived. It was the elders of the Hanshan Sword Sect. Song Weizhi suddenly felt that something was wrong. A total of three elders came, all of whom were in a fit period. The cultivation base was much higher than Song Weizhi.

?? "Junior Sister Song, they are all her own, you should go back with us to see the head, otherwise you should know the strength of the three elders." Qi Yingzhe said on the side.

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