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?? "That's not going to work. Testing the primordial gods and beasts is something every disciple must do. Even the younger sister is no exception." Li Fangfang blocked Song Zhixia's path.

?? "Junior Sister, please, if you don't want to delay everyone's effort, then hurry up and test Junior Sister's soul beast." Chen Li fumed.

?? At this time, the audience had already made waves of impatient voices:

?? "Hurry up, we are still waiting for the senior brother to teach the exercises."

?? "That is, if you don't want to waste time, then hurry up, don't you just look at a primordial beast? Everyone has experienced it, hurry up."

?? "Yes, yes, hurry up."

"Junior sister, please." Chen Li said aggressively.

?? Song Zhixia forced herself to calm down, she looked at Chen Li neither humble nor arrogant and asked: "Then what should I do?"

"Junior Sister will not use spiritual power, so let me do it for you. Junior sister just needs to concentrate." Chen Li raised his hand and activated the spiritual energy in his body. He moved his index finger and **** together to point to Song Zhixia, only one breath. After Kung Fu, Song Zhixia felt dizzy in front of him, and a little chicken-like thing appeared in the open space in front of him, but it was a little chicken, but its illusory downy was gray, and its head was only the size of a palm. Standing on the ground staring at Song Zhixia, he and Song Zhixia had big eyes to small eyes.

?? Li Fangfang next to Chen Li couldn't help but laughed, "What is this, the human soul is a chicken? Hahaha, Sister Song, you really embarrassed the Song family of Linhai City. NS."

?? "You dare to compare with the master sister with a trash? You can only say that a trash spiritual root plus trash soul can only be said to be trash plus trash. People like you are not worthy of staying in our Song clan, no wonder it is in charge. You stay at the outer door." Chen Li looked at Song Zhixia tirelessly and said.

?? Song Zhixia took a few steps back, and the clown chicken on the ground also took two steps back with its short legs.

?? Song Zhixia knows that he is in a bad situation now, and his biological parents let him go, and the hostility of these disciples to him can be said to be huge. The only thing that is good to him seems to be the master and sister who is not familiar with him. , She didn't dare to ask the elder sister to help her again, but she also wanted to try her best to deal with these people.

?? "Since the brother has detected my spiritual root and soul, then I will go down first, without delaying the teaching of the exercises by the brother." Song Zhixia said that he yearned for the steps of the high platform.

"I want to go now? What's the use of keeping a trash animal? Or I will destroy it for you. Anyway, keeping it is a burden. Let's go back to your village and be an ordinary person." Chen Li urged the whole body. Trapped Song Zhixia, Song Zhixia only felt an invisible pull in the air preventing her from leaving, and the clown chicken seemed to feel threatened, and her small body shivered unconsciously.

?? Chen Li waved his hand, he, Song Zhixia, and the clown chicken had already descended to the center of the martial arts field, and the disciples quickly surrounded them.

?? Song Zhixia wanted to leave, but his body could not move as if he was **** by something. Chen Li sneered at Song Zhixia and said, "Let you see what the real primordial beast is, and what kind of waste your beast is. Everyone can easily crush it with any beast."

?? As he spoke, a one-horned rhino appeared beside Chen Li. It looked sturdy and faintly white.

?? "Who else would like to sacrifice the Yuanshen beast to accompany Junior Sister Song's little chicken to play with? Hahahaha." Chen Li looked around a circle of outside disciples and laughed and said, he just wanted to make Song Zhixia face sweeping. , Let everyone step on her foot, and then smash her primordial spirit and beast, so that she will never be able to practice, who told her to dare to fight against the master sister!

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