Chapter one

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To all my fans, a little reminder is that the first nine chapters are short the tenth is longer and the rest are long. hope you like my book!

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Nick is running through the forest, as fast as his legs would take him, it was a dark and stormy night and everything seemed like a blur. Something was chasing him, something not to happy about him venturing through the forest alone. Nick looks around, trying to find a way to escape this creature. He didn't dare look back, because he already knew that this creature was gaining on him. Looking around frightened he spots a small path that leads back to the town. He takes a right pounding through the forest on the gravel pathway, the creature on his heels. Breathing hard, he is loosing energy, his legs aching from running in the forest. What was he thinking! Running of to the forest in the night to find something that didn't even exist, so smart. The creature is gaining speed, soon to be onto him. The path Nick is running on starts to narrow and it vanishes, turning into a forest floor, leaves crunching beneath his feet. " What the? This path is supposed to lead to the town!" Nicks shocked voice soon taken by the wind, and the growling of the creature behind him.He looks back, and not looking where he was going, Nick stumbles and falls to the ground, turning quickly to see the creature's icy blue eyes boring into his,Then it emerges from the shadows slowly, snarling and growling the whole time. "What?" Nick bewildered at what he was looking at, " this can't be real," Nick stares at the at the wolf growling at him fiercely. The wolf looks him up and down, surely unhappy about the visit. " A wolf with bright blue eyes, it can't be-" Nick is cut off by a low growl from the wolfs throat. " this is not going to end well", Nick mumbles.

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