Chapter thirty-three

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As they leaped from branch to branch, the night fully upon them Nick had the sick sensation of another one of those stupid miss matched animals would jump outa nowhere.

He ran into Riley who stopped infront of him and Nick looked around him, slightly growling.

Kani was sanding still, Amythist on her back, overlooking something.

Nick leaps up next to her and Riley leaps next to Nick.

" Amythist, Sköll, Onai," she starts looking at all of us one by one," this is my tribe," she said

They a stares at the beautiful tribe.

But it wasnt a tribe on the ground.

It was a treehouse tribe.

Nick hears Amythist squeal in delight.

" Ok now the tricky part is to get you guys into my home," she says.

They keep leaping from branch to branch, avoiding if someone was already walkin in one of the branches, or the lights in their home where to light.

Then they finally reach Kani's home.

It was beautiful, it was a large tree house built sturdily into the large jungle tree, there was a small entrance at te front and a few lights where alight inside.

They leaped into her home, the feeling of wood planks under their feet, and the fresh smell of timber filled the air.

It was nice.

The light sources where large jars that hung from the ceiling with dozens of fireflies inside.

Kani bent down and started pulling out rags probably for the beds for the newcomers.

Amythist leapt from her shoulder to her bed and curled up.

In a few seconds she was asleep.

Kani chuckles as she makes three beds that looked more like nests out of the rags she had.

She picked Amythist up gently and put her down in one.

Nick looks over to Riley, who just shrugged and went to one of the beds, curling up and falling asleep instantly.

Nick sighs and leaps onto one bed, curling up too, watching as Kani closes the front entrance with a curtain, the. Walking to her own bed.

Nick places his head in his paws, he will do his best not to shift to human form while asleep.

Then sleep dragged him in


When he woke, the scent of sweet plum came to his nose.

Thankfully he hasn't shifted in his sleep, though his body quivered in need of shifting.

He stood up, taking full control of his body and it stops quivering.

He looks around to spot Riley fast asleep though Anythist and Kani where no where is sight.

Nick followed the sweet scent to the entrance and looked out.

He spots Kani near the edge of the clearing of tree houses, Amythist on her back. Nick sighs and walks back into the tree house in fright of being spotted.

He curls up next to Riley and he dozes off to the sound of Riley's soft breaths

He wakes to the feel of a hand gently ruffling through the fur on the back of his neck.

He looks up to see the warm face of Kani.

" Hello sleepy heads," she says, giggling.

Nick barks happily and Kani chuckles.

" Come on, I'll show you guys around the tribe. Our tribe leader has agreed to let me show you around, for she knows I'm good with animals and such," she smiles.

" Follow Amythist out, she knows the way, I'll wake Onai," she adds.

'Come on Sköll,' Nick hears Amythists voice in his head.

He looks around and spots her at the doorway.

' my name is Nick, not Sköll,' Nick says back with a roll of his eyes

' Sköll, you did it! ' Nick hears Amythist's voice in his head again, squealing.

' did what? ' Nick asks confused.

' talk to me with your mind! You finally can talk to me! ' Amythist squeals again and she jumps up and down in the doorway.

' cool, lets go, ' Nick says, not amused much, just bored.

He hears paws steps and Riley appears beside him.

" Come on, let me show you around my tribe," Kani smiles and jumps down from her tree

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