Chapter four

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Nick walks through the town, looking around at the warm smiles and bright, welcoming, happy lights glowing in the homes of the townsfolk, walking the same path he remembers to get to his own home
As Nick enters his house, his mom immediately stomps up to him, "where have you been?" she asks, anger in her tone. Nicks younger sister Mia skips down the stairs and into the room Nick and her mom are standing. Nick glances at her, while his mom is talking, and she smirks, then makes a face, he death stares her down. " Nick! Where you even listening to me?! " Nicks mom yells, "hmm? what? oh... yea". His mom frowns, " Nick.... ", Then there was a sudden knock on the door. " I'll get it", Nick says, his mom already shaking her head. Then she heads to the kitchen to finish cooking.
Nick opens the door, and breathes in quick. It was Stefanie. He always had a liking for her. Her brown hair flowing down onto her shoulders, and her blue eyes sparkling in the light of his home.
" Stefanie! Hey! What are you doing here?", Nick asks, in a daze, staring into her shining eyes. " Hi Nick, she looks past him and into the house. She spots Mia and waves to her. Mia waves back, and runs up the stairs. Stefanie was about Nicks age,her being 13 and him being 14 and Mia around 8.
" So Nick, I would want to talk with you ",she says rather quietly. " Sure, uh want- want to walk outside?" he stammers. " Course", Stefanie says brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, and giving Nick that beautiful smile. Nick hesitates, then walks out into the night with her.

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