Chapter eighteen

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" Wow," was all Nick could say.

Aliah was hugging him tightly, tears flying down her cheeks.

When a tear drop finally hit Nick's bare neck he snapped out of his gaze and hugged Aliah back, trying to comfort her.

" Who was he?" Nick asks after a silence.

The others went off for a ceremony for Caleb, in honor for his bravery.

" He was one if my old friends," she said shakily.
" We didn't talk much, and we weren't close, but we were friends in a way," she said through breaths.

" At least we know that he died a death that saved many others," was all Nick could say without making Aliah shed more tears.

Then there was a long silence.

Aliah stopped crying slowly and wiped the tears from her face. They sat down in the field, the soft grass waving in the light wind.

Aliah lied down, her head in Nick's lap, and she picked a daisy and started plucking its petals.

Nick loved the moment.

Alone with her, in this environment.

She was beautiful.

Nick couldn't remember how many times he thought of that already.

" I can't believe I couldn't save him," she said quietly.

" What do you mean?" then Nick remembered how she was the guardian of the valley.
" Oh, " he said before Aliah started to talk.

Then something came to his mind.

" Why did that Lirocane have wings, but the one that attacked me didn't?" he asked.

Aliah sighed.

" It's because the one that attacked you was just a baby, probably abandoned or something, and looking for food. "
" The other one was a teenager," she said looking up at Nick.

" Teenager?!" Nick asks.
" That one was a teenager?!

" Yes," she said simply.

" But it was huge!" Nick says, remembering the fight and shuddering at the Lirocane's deafening scream.

" We've seen bigger," she said shrugging.
" Once a full grown Lirocane attacked us back in our old territory," she said," it was as big as two houses stacked onto one another," she said, waving her hands in the air to indicate that it was big.
" It had enormous bat wings, that were as long as four houses stacked side by side." She said waving her hand from one side to the other.

" And your telling me it attacked you guys?" Nick asks, his heart turning to lead.

" Yes," she said.

" Why? why do they attack?" Nick asks

" They think they found the true leader of the werewolves, and they come after him, or her, to kill them," she says.

"Why exactly?" Nick asks his mind swirling. "

" Because the true werewolf alpha is the most powerful creature. It rules over all the others," she says," and the one that kills him, shall take the power with them. " She says
" Or if u decide to make your right handed wolf and bite them to transfer blood so the generation of alpha's shall last," she said, exhaling.

" So who is the true alpha?' he asks

" You are," she says looking straight into his eyes.

Nicks mind just exploded.

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