Chapter twenty-six

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Nick struggles to his feet as he looks up dazed, his mind spinning from the fall.

He clutches his head in pain and sits up.

" Owww," he groans.

Then he looks around.

The vines which had suddenly wrapped around him Kani and Johnathan, lay on the ground, unmoving.

He spots Kani, shivering in shock as she curls up in a ball and rocks slowly back an forth, her head on her knees.

He spots Johnathan, who was on the ground rolling from side to side, groaning in pain and clutching his stomach.

Nick spots Aliah's body on the ground, shaking.

Then his eyes widen.

" Aliah!" he yells and scrambles to his feet, running over to her clumsily, then falling to his knees beside her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

Suprisinlgly they where not cold anymore.

Only a dull warmth was in them.

He shook her gently.

" Aliah?" he asks softly, but urgently.

"Who............" Aliah starts then coughs harshly.

" It's me, Nick," he says, helping her to sit up.

" Nick?" she asks when her coughing fit was done.

He smiles at her, but she frowns.

" I do not know of a Nick," she says confused, examining Nicks face.

His heart shatters.

What! How?! the world around him disintegrates into a million pieces and the smile on his face fades into sadness.

" You don't remember me?" he croaks.

She shakes her head slowly.

Nick stifles a sob.

"Oh......" Ncks voice cracks as he gets up.

He reaches his hand, Aliah takes it hesitantly, and he helps her to her feet.

" What happened here?" Aliah asks looking around the small bloody battle field.

Nick sighs.

" Battle," he mutters

She nods in apprehension.

" I need you to help me with something," Nick asks.

" Ok. "

Nick motions to her to follow as he walks to the shaking body if Kani.

He crouches beside her and places a hand on her back and soothes her gently.

Kani slowly snaps back to reality.

Nick looks at Aliah.

" Can you get the water canteen from that knapsack?" Nick asks pointing to Kani's knapsack.

"Ok," Aliah says turning, walking to the knapsack, and reaching down, bringing it back to Nick.

Nick takes the water canteen and hands it to Kani to drink.

Se takes te canteen and gulps water down.

" Thank you," she croaks.

He nods and gets up, walking over to Johnathan.

"Need help?" Nick asks out to Johnathan.

Johnathan couldn't say anything, only letting out a painful groan.

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