Chapter nineteen

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Nick pounded into the forest his paws crumpling the leaves.

He was not good in being quiet.

As soon as he spotted a deer his tail wagged eagerly, ready to start.

Unfortunately the deer heard him running carelessly into the forest, so it was already making a run for it.

Nick pounced trying to reach the deers speed.

The deer leaped over bushes and fallen tree logs in an attempt to lose the werewolf behind him.

But that was no match for Nick.

Over the months of training and practicing hunting and battling with Kamien and Aliah, he grew stronger and more wise of his surroundings.

So this became fun for Nick.

He didn't catch the deer right away

He toyed with it a little, proud of his speed and agility.

But the deer was fast, and Nick was loosing energy so he sped up and was already pounding beside the deer, snapping at its hooves.

He finally lept onto the deer, claws extended, his sleek silver body slicing through the air and landing onto the deer's back, pulling it to the ground.

He took a bite to its neck and the deer's dead body lie on the ground in front of him, blood splattered over the deer's neck and on Nick's pelt and snout.

He was breathing hard the smell of the forest was dark and cold.

Night was coming.

Nick grabs the deer by its neck and started to pull it back to the valley, proud of his catch.

• • •

Nick enters the valley still in his wolf firn, tired of dragging the deer a long way.

He tugs and pulls the deer to the cave he share's with Kamien.

As he finally comes into the safety of the cave and drops the deer.

Nick looks around the cave, sniffing the air.

This was weird.

It was sundown and Kamien was supposed to be back.

Instead the cave felt cold, no life felt present.

Nick walked slowly around the cave, searching if there was any scent of his brother earlier, his claws clicking against the stone floor, the smell of damp cave walls filling his nose.

Nothing was there.

He walked back to where he left the deer, suddenly the sharp scent of fresh blood hits his nose quickly.

He sighs walking out of the cave.

' There must be some kind of delay' he thought.

He walked slowly, taking in his surroundings.

The scent of werewolves happily hunting with their family filled his nose.

It was the hunting hour.

He glanced the way where Aliah cave sits, covered by the thick, dark green trees, and flowers trailing around them making the forest less gloomy.

He started trotting towards Aliah's den, the thought if telling her how he caught a deer made him smile.

As he reached the outskirts of her home he stopped trotting and walked his heart pounding as he came closer to her, her scent filling his nose.

As he came to her den, he looked around. He wanted to share the deer with her.

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