Chapter eleven

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Nick waits a while after Stefanie left the tree house.
He just sat staring at the map thinking.
What would he do?
There are now two mysteries un solved.

1. his dad

2. The wolves

But his priority now is his dad.
He climbed down the tree house steps that where bolted to the tree and he landed softly on the ground.
He turned and started walking back towards the town.
What would he say to his mom?
Or has Stefanie told her that he was ok after she left?
He thinks hard.
He would have to make something up.
I mean like he wouldn't walk in his home casually and say that he was gone for about half a day searching for a boy that he met that was attacked by wolves and was probably dead.
Yup. Definetly that would work.

He tried thinking of some other explanation.
I guess he would start with, I ran into the woods because....
Because I'm stupid... nope.
Because I decided to look for dad again.


She would probably believe that.
So he went with that.

Nick saw an apple tree.

Boy he was hungry.

He was alway hungry....

He ran to it, stopped at the foot, seeing a gleaming, bright red apple.

Nick licked his lips and jumped into the air, reaching out for the apple.
He grabbed it and pulled it to the ground with a snap.
Nick grinned.
He bit into the apple.
Then at that moment he felt like he was being watched.
He froze, and shivered.
Then just as soon as it came, the feeling of being watched faded, and Nick was alone again in the forest.
He slowly bit into the apple again not sure what to do.
He turned in a slow circle, but whatever it was, was gone.
He walked in the direction of the town again, suddenly aware of presence behind him.
Whatever it was, was giving him the creeps.
He walked faster and he heard footsteps, falling in the same rythm as his.
He started jogging.
So did the footsteps.
He ran, the footsteps followed.
He had enough of this.
He turned around and faced another wolf.
' Not again' he thought.
The wolf stared at him wide eyed.
This wolf wasnt like the rest.
This one had green eyes and silver and black fur.

Green eyes.

That was weird.

But these eyes weren't as peircing as the icy blue ones from the first wolf he encountered.
The wolf looked at him with such a hard to read expression, Nick's mind began to swirl.
The wolfs eyes narrowed. It's lips curled back into a deep snarl.
Why was it snarling at him?
The wolf sprung up at Nick.
He dodged and he turned the way the wolf jumped, then he noticed something.
The wolf wasn't after him.
It was after a frightening creature behind him.
Nick gasped.
The wolf just tackled a creature with the head of a snake, the body of a lion and a tail of a..... cow?

What was that thing?

Nick was focused on the wolf, it's battle moves and the sharp yowl of the creature. This creature wasn't big. just a little smaller than the wolf.

The wolf took a bite to its neck. The creature froze for a moment, but then came back to life.


How was that?

It should be dead!

The wolf kept attacking it.

Suddenly it sprung back at the wolf with unsheathed claws, and scratched the wolfs flank.
The wolf howled in pain.
Nick cringed at the sound.
Nick looked around worried on how to help.
His eyes lightened when he spotted a long branch, hanging loosely from the tree, where it broke.
Nick sprinted to it another howl filled the air.
He didn't need to look back to know that the wolf was losing.
He grabbed the branch and ran back to help the wolf.

He hit the creatures head as it was about to take a bite into the wolfs neck.
It turned, its snake head hissing. .

Nick charged, the creature shocked at the brave yell that came from Nicks mouth. It snapped out of its shock quickly and charged back at Nick it's snake mouth open to sink its fangs into whatever came in its way. It's claws out and it's striped pelt covered in blood.
Nick hit it hard in the stomach with the branch. He felt the branch go through its stomach with a sickening thud.
It swiped its claws and hit Nick across the face, leaving a searing pain on his cheek.
Nick stumbled. The creature hisses at him. Nick starts to see black spots cloud his vision. The creature getting up and springing at him, hitting his stomach.
Nicks ears ring and he feels sick. The creature stands back watching Nick fall to the ground, the black spots growing bigger.

Then Nick spots the wolf getting up and tackling the creature down just as his world faded into darkness.


Nick wakes shocked, he looks around. He sees a cave ceiling above him.

What was he doing in a cave?

Why wasn't he in his room?

Then the memories come flowing back. The new wolf. the attack on the creature.......

Nick sits up, a shoot of pain in his stomach, trailing up to his cheek.
He felt his cheek quickly, ignoring the pain in his stomach, to feel scabs.
He shivers.
Nick finally takes in the look of the cave.
It wasn't one if those caves that are dark, creepy and wet.
This cave felt welcoming, the scents of pine and dirt filling Nicks nose.
Light coming from a long crack in the ceiling, and the huge entrance.
And Nick wasn't on the ground.
He felt under him, a soft welcoming to his hand.
He looked down to see a long blanket with cushions and a pillow.
That reminded him something. Questions filled his mind.

What was this place?

How long has he been out?

Who took him here?

Where was the wolf?

What was that creature..........?

Nick stood, and walked slowly to the entrance gripping his stomach tightly. There was a thick bandage around it, colored a deep crimson where the gash was.
He walke out of the cave, only to be greeted by the dark forest.
A part if the forest he yet, did not see.

He looked around, wondering which way he should go.

Then a hand touched his shoulder.

He spun around to see a young girl, around fourteen, with green eyes and dark hair flowing down her back to her waist. She wore a white cotton dress.
And she had a look of concern on her face.
Nick pulled away from her, her hand falling back to her side.

"Who are you," he asked

" I am Aliah" she said

Nick stared at her confused.

" And you are...." she said

" I-I-I'm Nick" he stuttered

Aliah brought out her hand and Nick shook it.
" Nice to meet you Nick," she said with a smile.
"Uh, nice to meet you too," Nick said unsure about what to do.
She pulled away.
Nick's questions started flowing out of his mouth.
" Who are you really? what was that thing that attacked me? where am I?
What part of the forest is this? How did you know how to help me?"

Aliah giggled.

" What?" Nick asked a little impatient
" What's so funny?"

" Your outburst" she said honestly.
Then she laughed and Nick smiled.
Her laugh was beautiful. it reminded him of.... Stef.

He suddenly frowned.

" How long was I out?" he asked worried.

Aliah stopped laughing, frowned and put her finger on her chin thinking.

" About two days," she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

" Two days?!" Nick said shocked.
" How?"

" Come,I'll walk with you back to your home, and on the way I will answer all your questions. She said and started walking, turning and motioning for him to follow.
Nick follows still unsure if he should put his trust in her hands.

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