Chapter twenty-nine

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When Nick and Amythist came across the old battle field, Nick drew in a quick breath.

The grass was still covered in dried blood, and the stench of blood spread into his nose, making him cringe.

Why had they come here again?

Oh ya

Amythist lets a low growl rumble in her throat.

Nick rubs her head gently to soothe her.

She stops.

' when can we leave?' Amythist whines in his mind.

" We are just passing through," he says, starting to walk into the battle field, trying to avoid stepping into blood patches on the grass.

' Good, I don't think I wanna ever come here again,' Amythist mutters.

Nick chuckles at her childish pouting.

They walk to the forest that was o. The other side, when they passed a bloody patch of grass, Amythist would hiss and her claws would sink deeper into Nicks shoulder.

Then they reached the forest.

" Can you loosen your grip?" Nick asks, his voice strained, trying not to show that he was in pain.

' Oh! Sorry!' Amythist loosens her grip on him, her claws leaving dents in the fabric sweater.

Nick sighs.

Then he felt the beat of wings and the weight on his shoulder lifted.

He looked up to see Amythist flying.

" Wow! Amythist! You can fly?" Nick asks bewildered.

' Ya! Isn't it cool? I learned to fly in that cool secret cave thing!' she beams in his mind.

Flying about, she does loops in the air, soaring and dodging trees, then coming to a stop when landing in front of Nick.

" let's go run then," Nick says smirking.

Amythist just gives a toothy grin.
' lets do it!'

Nick shifts, fur growing onto his shifting clothes.

He gave a howl of happiness and Amythist roared in sync after him.

Then Nick starts running, his long lean legs stretching, while Amythist ran beside him, flying at some points.

' I like the way your Wolf looks,' Amythist says in his mind.

Nick thinks while running, he never has seen the way his wild looked before.

' Watch out!!!' Amythist screeches in his mind, as Nick leaps to the right, barely missing a tree.

He could hear Amythist laugh a bit, and he gave a small chuckle too, until they heard a scream from in front of them.

Nicks muscles feel like they turn to Jell-O.

He stops abruptly, Amythist bumping into him.

Nick looks up to where the scream came from.

He saw the beautiful face of Kani.

'Oh my god' he thinks to himself.

Kani was holding a dagger in her hand that she probably drew.

She had a scowl on her face as she stared disgusted at Nick.

Amythist hid behind him.

Kani takes a step forwards, and on instinct Nick growls low.

Kani pauses.

Then lunges forwards, Nick leaps to the side, the edge of the dagger only skimming his fur.

He spins around quickly to see a shocked look appear on Kani's face when she almost runs into Amythist.

' Does she recognize Amythist?' Nick asks himself hopefully.

" I know you," Kani says as if on cue.

Amythist does a purring sound.

Of course she could do that cause she was half tiger.

Kani sheathes her dagger, forgetting about Nick and dropping to her knees, the. Scooping Amythist up in a hug.

" How are you girl?" Kani asks hugging her.

Amythist says something in a foreign language that was probably
Lirocane, to Kani.

Kani somehow nods in understanding

Nick clears his throat and Kani whips around, still holding Amythist.

" Is this your friend?" She asks Amythist.

Amythist nods and scam les out of Kani's arms, running over to Nick and rubbing against him like a cat.

Nick yips which makes Kani flinch a little, then manage a warm smile.

" That's good, he seems like a good wolf," Kani says, reaching her hand out unsure.

Nick moves forwards and Kani pats his head.

" Good boy," she says to him.

Kani pulls her hand back.

" What's your name?" She asks Nick.

Nick freezes.

He looks at Amythist, who says in his mind.

' make up a name, you can't tell her your real name,'

Nick stares wide eyed at Amythist.

' I'll make one up then,' Amythist says.

Nick nods.

" Well?" Kani asks, looking down at Amythist," what's his name Amythist?"

Amythist pauses for a second, probably thinking.

Then she says something in her foreign language and Kani squeals.

" Such a nice name!" She says looking at Nick, " hello Sköll!" She smiles.

Nick manages a wolfy grin.


What kind of name is that?

Kani beams and ick tries not to look confused.

" Sköll means wolf that chases the sun in the language Norse," Kani says, remembering it for herself," it is an ancient name only used by powerful wolves. " She beams.

Nick now understands. He actually liked the name now.

Kani rubs his head again.

" Well Sköll, my name is Kani, it's nice to meet you," Kani says, then pulls her hand from his head.

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