Chapter thirty

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As Kani sat talking to Amythist, Nick, or Sköll if you want to say it, walked around, trying to find a puddle.

Amythist told him that his wolf looked good, he wanted to see for himself.

Though, he could not find a puddle.

" Sköll!" Kani yelled sweetly from where she was sitting," come here boy!"

Nick was farther away from them, he could not see them anymore because of the trees nlocking his path.

" Sköll?!" Kani yells.

Nick grunts, not used to the name yet.

He ran the direction her voice was coming from.

He burst through the trees and landed beside Amythist infront of Kani.

" Hi there Sköll," Kani said petting Nicks head.

Nick yips happily.

Kani giggles.

Nick has never seen Kani in this way, happy, carefree, beautiful, not afraid of an unusually large wolf and a baybe Lirocane.

It was a good feeling.

Like he could trust her.

" Earth to Sköll?," Kani said snapping Nick out of his thoughts.

Nick looks up to her.

She giggles.

" Where were you in that mind of yours?" Kani said giggling, " please don't space out on me," she smiles.

" As I was saying," Kani continues and looks from Amythist to Nick," I would like to show you guys my village," she says smiling.

Amythist squeals in delight.

Nick nods his head quickly.

" Great!" Kani says happily, " lets go!".

And with that Kani picks Amythist up, and skips farther into the forest, Nick trailing behind them.


After about half an hour, Nick started feeling bored.

He started jumping off to the sides, chasing a frog or butterfly, only when he heard Kani giggle and call his fake name did he turn and go after them again, only to venture off once more.

When Nick went off to the side to chase a butterfly, he leapt over a log, ramming unexpectedly into another wolf.

Nick growls and gets off the squirming wolf.

The wolf gets to his feet then looks at Nick, bowing his head.

Nick freezes, he remembered this wolf!

**flash back**

Nick ran and ran, then his breath stopped cold.

He came across a river, and on the river a green shirt, some head and one sneaker floated calmly on the surface.

Nick jumps down onto the bank, snatching the shirt quickly, then hugging it, not caring if it was wet.

When he went to climb the bank a friendly bark came from infront if him.

He almost fell but luckily grabbed into a losse root that was sticking out infront of him.

He looked up and came face to face with another wolf.

This one had blonde fur with speckles of dark brown and black, his dark brown eyes glistening.

**flash back is over **

The bashe wolf with the dark brown and blak speckles bowed down infront of Nick.

Nick sniffs him wearily.

Then he shifts, his shifting clothes on him automatically.

He looked down at te wolf.

" Shift," Nick says calmly, he could sense the werewolf inside this wolf.

The wolf sighed and shifts, nick could hear the crackling of bones as try snapped out and into place.

A red shifting sweater and a pair of baggy blue cotton shifting sweatpants appeared on a boy around the age of 12.

"Who are you?" Nick asks.

The boys pauses.

" Who are you?" the boy asks in a mocking tone.

" I am the upcoming Alpha of the valley pack, I think you should speak under Alphas orders," Nick says slightly with annoy.

The boy grumbles and thinks for a moment.

He probably was from the valley pack if he didn't ask what it was.

" My names Riley," the boy replies.

" I'm...." Nick pauses.

Riley raises an eyebrow.

"You are..?" Riley asks.

" Im Nick," He replies," but you can call me Sköll. "

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