Chapter seven

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The wolf jumps ontop of Nick trying to bite his throat, but the long branch that Nick was holding, was blocking the path to his neck. The wolf snapping, and clawing at Nick was heavier, and had claws fangs and a stronger body. So fair. Nick struggles against the wolf, pushing it back. Then he realizes that his legs weren't blocked. So Nick kicks at the wolf, throwing it of him. Nick scrambles to stand up, looking at the wolf. It growls then, even impossibly, gives a slight smirk at Nick and the little boy, then howls and the wind picks up again. The wind closing into a sphere around the wolf. It gave an irritating glow and it vanishes into thin air. Nick sighs, this no longer that shocking to him, and looks over at the little boy, who had his jaw wide open. " Wha-what was th-that?" The little boy stammers in fear. " To think that I would know", Nick says rolling his eyes. " It was a wo-wolf !" the little boy cries. " No, it was a cow, now come on and tell me everything on the way back to town", nick says rolling his eyes. "What? No! I don't even know you! You might work for the wolves..." the little boy says, scooting back from Nicks reached out hand. " Work? For the wolves? a really unlikely story, son, now come on", Nick says while bending down to the boy, then whispers in his ear. " They might come back", he says, pausing giving it a dramatic end. The boy looks at him scared, then jumps up instantly and clings to Nicks arm, " lets go then", he says pulling Nick. Nick gets up and takes the boy back to the town.

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