Chapter twenty-three

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Nick woke suddenly, taking a gasp of air, then coughing hardly.

His throat felt dry and crumpled, and the air had the stale smell of blood.

Nick was still in his wolf form, cuts and gashes covered parts of him.

He cleared his throat and looked around at the stirring remains if the battle feil from later that day.

He spotted the dead body of Aliah under the tree, and tears pricked his eyes.

He wiped them away gingerly, and got up, his whole body aching and his fur mattes from dry blood.

He looked under him to see the wolf form of an unconscious Johnathan, blood slowly dripping from his neck.

Nick got off Johnathan and looked around for Amuthist, hoping that she made it through the battle.

He saw her, breathing shallowly and shaking on the ground a few meters away from him.

' Amythist?' he asked in his mind, not exactly sure about it.

He started approaching the body that layer sprawled in the ground, which also had wounds and blood smeared across her tiger pelt.

He limped over to her, shocks of pain shooting up his left paw, for the fur on it was ripped off and the flesh was bleeding, bright red blood oozing from it.

He didn't care, Amythist could be the only one who was still alive and who he cared for.

When he reached her, his eyes widened in shock as he gagged from the strong sour stench of Lirocane blood.

He stares at her shaking body, her eyes where open, she was in the state of shock.

Nick thought hard as he stares at her.

He needed to help her, but he didn't know how.

His heart sank at the thought of being alone the rest of his werewolf years, which was probably maybe a decade of centuries.

Werewolves live for an extremely long time.

He felt hollow on the inside, empty and his heart vanished as he grieved, sitting down and staring with wide eyes at the shaking body of Amythist.

A tear strolled down his face, onto his snout and dripping down onto the tiger pelt of Amythist.

His shoulders shook slightly as tears ran freely down his snout.

His eyes squeezed shut as he sobbed, he has lost everything, and it was all his fault.

" It was my fault," Nick muttered between sobs.

Then he heard something, the sound of water, dripping into water.

He opened his eyes in confusion, tears still ran down his snout.

Then one of his tears hit Amythist, Nick heard the sound again, the. He saw glowing blue streaks erupt from the tear when it hit her body, then the streaks wrapped around Amythists body and sank into her.

Nick wiped his tears cautiously, but one escaped and hit Amythist again.

It made the sound of water, then the blue glowing streaks erupted, encircling the body of Amythist, then sinking into her, slowly fading.

Then Amythist groaned and Nicks heart beat quickened.

' She's alive!' Nick thought hopefully.

He nudged Amythist genty and she groaned, it sounded like she was in pain.

Then she rolled over to her side, her back to Nick, coughing, blood splattering the grass.

Nicks eyes widen in shock.

It was not the blood, but what happened to her back.

Aside from all the claw marks and gashes on her back, two giant bat wings sprouted from her back.

Nick shifted from his wolf
Form to his human form, the pain from the gashes stinging in the process.

He knelt down and picks Amythist up gently in his arms and carried her to the tree where Aliah's dead body lay.

He placed her down beside Aliah and shifted to his wolf form again.

He sprinted into the forest, looking for that stream.

When he came across the stream, he was panting.

He took a few gulps of water then shifted to his human form.

He gently scraped moss from a rock and dipped it in the water.

He looked about as the miss soaked up.

He spotted large leaf on the ground, still green.

He reached out with one arm while the other was holding the moss in the water.

He quickly grabbed the leaf and bent it into a cup.

He pulled out the moss and squeezed the water from it, the water appearring crystal clear in the small leaf bowl.

Then he stood, carefully holding the leaf bowl in one hand and the moss in the other.

He was still facing the river, spilling the water from time to time from the leaf bowl as he got up.

" Having trouble with that?" asked a feminine voice from infront if him.

' Aliah?" Nick thought looking up from his leaf bowl.

But his heart sank when it wasn't Aliah.

It was a tall girl, around 15, long wavy hair to her waist, round hazel eyes and a beautiful, light brown, aboriginal dress.

She wasn't wearing any shoes.

She had some freckles, but not many, which dotted her nose and cheeks.

She looked at Nick concerned.

" Do you need help with that?" she asked saying we words loud and clear, but she did have a small accent.

" Um, ok," Nick said unsure.

She leapt over the river and right beside Nick.

She smiled and took the leaf bowl from his hands gently.

When her hand touched his to retrieve the leaf bowl, her hands felt soft, yet proud and strong

Then she pulled away from Nick with the leaf bowl.

" Where are we going?" she asks, like they knew eachother for ages

" Um, just to te outskirts of the forest," Nick said, staring at her beautiful, sparkling hazel eyes.

" Ok," she replies with a smile then turned. " After you"

Nick nodded, then led the way back to Amythist,Aliah and John.

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