Chapter nine

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Nick wakes up to the look of his sisters face a centimetre from his face. "AAHHHH", then he breathes out and sighs, " Mia, you scared the crap out of me", Mia frowns, " wakie, wakie! Nick, if you haven't noticed, it's already 10:00 and you where supposed to come down to breakfast at 7:00, mom's not happy that you slept in, and you didn't do any of your morning chores, she is downstairs waiting for you, and she was mumbling about something called ' responsibility', your as good as dead now ". " What? How? My alarm is set for 6:15," Nick gives a long yawn before he continues, " and you wake up at 6:15 too, why didn't you wake me?" Nick asks, starting to rub the sleep out of his eyes. " Oh! That's because I wanted to see what mom would do if you woke up so late" Mia smirks and gets off the bed and walks up to the open door, right before she leaves she says " and mommy doesn't like it when you use bad words" then she skips out the door, closing it shut behind her. Nick yawns, gets out of bed, and puts on his torn sneakers, he stands up, and heads downstairs , where his mom and sister are waiting. His mom had a look of anger plastered across her face, while his sisters was snickering all the while. " Nick.... Why so late? " his mom asks. " Uh... just slept in I guess," he says. Then he remembers the little boy, John, from last night. Wait! John! He left him in the woods! " John!" Nick yells. Mia stops snickering and his mom looks confused at him. " What? who is John?" but Nick was already racing out the door to the forest.

Once he was at the all to familiar clearing where John was attacked, Nick was already panting, sweat dripping from his forehead. " John?" Nick asks, " John, where are you ?! " He yells at the top of his lungs. Nick walks to the middle of the clearing, and turns in a circle slowly, looking at the deadly forest around him " John!" Nick stops turning and looks down ashamed that he would leave someone so young out here.He looks up, anger and fustration welling up in his eyes, then he spots something in the mud farther in the clearing. Nick walks up to the mud cautiously, not trusting anything anymore. When he reaches the mud he gasps. " A shoe! It has to be John's!" Nick looks up into the deeper part of the forest looking at the tracks that are left by a muddy shoe and bare foot. He walks into the forest, following the tracks.
After a few minutes Nick comes upon another different type of track, following John's. A paw, or to be exact more like a wolf paw. " No..." Nick runs following the two tracks, breathing hard, pushing the branches out of his face. Then he stops, his heart jumping in his throat. A long river, stretching from one side of the forest to the other, but that wasn't what scared him. In the river lay a green shirt and a pair of jeans and the other shoe floating calmly across the water.

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