Chapter twenty-five

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When Nick woke, he gagged.

The smell of dried blood was so strong, it made his mind whirl.

He sat up slowly, his muscles ache from the long sleep.

Then he noticed something.

Kani was not sitting beside him anymore.

Nick looked around, then winced as a pain shot through his neck.

He leaned against a tree and brought his hand up to feel the side if his neck.

He could feel dried blood and two larger scabs, on which Johnathan probably but him.

He scans the battle field for Kani, spotting her crouching beside Johnathans body.

He gets up to his feet and limped over to her.

The long sleep stiffened his muscles and wounds.

When he was beside she turned to him.

" He's breathing," she said quietly.

Nick freezes. He was sure that Johnathan has died in the battle of him and whatever attacked Johnathan after Nick was knocked out.

Kani saw him freeze and she scowls.

" You don't want him alive?" she asks, a slight tone of anger in her voice, " so you did this to him?!"

Nick looks down.

" Long story," he mutters angrily.

Kani turns back to Johnathan and checks his pulse again.

" He is barely conscious," she says slowly, " I should help him. "

" Yeah, you do that," Nick mutters sadly and turns around quickly.

The back of his neck prickles and he new that Kani's bright eyes where string at him.

Then he sulks off and Kani turns back to Johnathan.

Nicks heart sank once more as he approached the dead body of Aliah.

He bent down beside her and hugged her, he knew that when the burning ceremony comes, he would never see her again, do he just wanted to sit with her for a few moments.

Tears well up in his eyes.

He tries to hold them back but they come down his face as he stares sadly at Aliah.

He sighed shakily and got up to turn to Kani, who was working with the picked plants on Johnathan.

Nick walked to her, the sadness in his eyes fading. He sat down in his knees beside Kani, who kept working in Johnathans quivering body.

Then Johnathan turns on one side, and groans, clutching his stomach, which had deeps gashes in the middle.

" Lay still," Kani orders sternly.

Johnathan stops groaning and looks up at her weakly.

" Who.....?" he starts.

" Shhhhhhhh," she cooes and he shuts his mouth, only to lay on his back as Kani worked on his torn stomach.

Then Johnathan sees Nick.

A sudden flame of anger bursts in Johnathans eyes and he snarls, inhumanly.

" You!" Johnathan yells angrily.
Then clutched his stomach, and groans.

Nick looks away.

Johnathan then grabs Nicks arm and Nick turns quickly only to see Johnathans lip curled back in a snarl.

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