Chapter twenty-four

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As Nick and the wild girl walked back, he felt weird, his stomach prickled when he was near her.

He has only just met her, but she showed that she was courageous to ask something like that, generous to help Nick even though she has never seen him.

They walked in silence, the girl looking over at Nick from time to time.

He would glimpse her looking at his deep gashes and wounds, but as soon as she noticed that he saw her, she quickly looked away.

From time to time they stopped and the girl would pick some plants, herbs, or flowers, then continue on.

When they neared the edge of the forest, the girl hesitated, then kept moving.

As they exited the forest, to the bloody battle field, Nick could hear the girl take in a sharp breath.

He looked over at her, her eyes where wide, shocked at the blood splattered clearing that Nick fought for his life on.

She spotted the unmoving bodies of John, Aliah, and Amythist.

Nick walked forwards, but she approached slower than him, taking in the sight, maybe reconsidering her generosity to Nick.

" This way," Nick murmurs to her, walking to Amythist.

She walked close behind him, looking around as if something would pounce at them at any moment.

When they stood in front of Amythist, the girl looked down at the shaking body and shrieked.

" That's a Lirocane!" she shrieked.

" I know," Nick muttered.

She looked at him and he looked back at her, her gaze was hard, but confused.

" You might know, but that thing may regenerate at any moment and could rampage!" she said little more calmer.

Then she reache for the leather belt that Nick did by notice before, and took a dagger from a sling.

" Put that away," Nick said softy.

" But.... the Lirocane." She said, her voice slightly wavered.

" Put it away," Nick repeated.

She placed her dagger back in its sling slowly, unsure that it was such a good idea.

Then Nick's brow furrowed.

" What do you mean ' regenerate'," Nick said frowning.

" Regenerate," the girl repeated simply. " Lirocane's do that, so they don't die. It is rare, though many Liroane's know how to do it. "

" Oh," Nick said looking back down at Amythist who was quivering.

" She is doing it right now, we should give her some space," she said, tugging on his arm.

Nick pulled free from her grip, he has just met her, he didn't even know her name, and now she is treating him like a long lost friend.

" Ok," Nick said quietly.

They both walked to another tree and sat down, leaning against the tree.

The girl placed the leaf bowl that carried the water down, along with the herbs, plants and flowers she gathered.

" I'm sorry for interrupting so rudely," she said. " At the stream. "

"Oh, that alright," Nick said, not sure if he meant it.

" I was just taking a walk from home and got far away, sort of lost. I found the river and saw you trying to hold water in a leaf bowl," she chuckles.

Nick smiles looking down at his crossed legs.

" I just wanted to help," she stated simply. " What happened here?" she asked looking up and around the clearing.

" Small battle," Nick said sadly." Only I have survived, except Amythist."

" Amythist?" the girl asks confused then looking at him.

" Oh, it's the Lirocane's name, Amythist," he repeated.

" You named the Lirocane?" she asks.

" No, she told me," he said.

" Told you?"

" Yeah, in my mind," he said.

She raised an eyebrow.

" In your mind," she says, trying to make sense.

" Er.... yeah," he hesitated, now she probably thought he was crazy.

" Cool," she said simply then looked back at the blood stained clearing.

He wanted to slap himself.

He hardly new this girl and she wa the first person to know about his connection with Anythist.

It was silent for a while as the thoughts sank in.

" By the way, my name is Kani," she said, extending her hand to him.

" Nick," he said taking her hand, shaking it twice, then pulling away.

" Nice to meet you," she said.

" You too," he added.

Then they both sat, leaning against the tree, staring at the clearing, the forest and their minds silent.

Then Nick slowly dozes off, exhausted from the battle, his wounds, aching muscles and bones, and the trip to the stream.

His sleep was dreamless and peaceful.

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