Chapter twenty-seven

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When they reached the valley, Kamien came running towards them and embracing them all in a tight group hug.

" Where have you guys been?!" he yells at us, though there was a tinge of happiness in his voice. " And more importantly, what happened to you guys?" he asks eyeing us.

" Well," Nick starts and places a hand behind his head, scratching his neck. " Me and Aliah went for a run." He said looking at Aliah who was completely confused.

" Then I think this wolf, Johnathan, came out of the woods, wailing and fighting a" Nick looks at Johnathan.

" Well.... a young," Nick starts again.

" A young what?!" Kamien asks impatiently.

" Well... a young..... Lirocane," Nick mutters quickly.

Nick held Amythist under a few rags that Kani has let them borrow, to keep her warm as she regenerated.

" A Lirocane!" Kamien asks his eyes widening.

" Well... um... yeah," Nick says slowly, then slowly unwrapped the rags from Amythist.

Kamien gasped at the sight of the regenerating Lirocane, the body took shallow breaths, and convulsed.

" You can't have that here!" Kamien whisper shouts at Nick.

" Well, she attacked Johnathan, but as soon as we got her off him, she just kept to my side," Nick mutters.

He didn't want to mention the part of Amythist creating a blue amulet for him.

" Life force," Kamien mutters under his breath. " Take that Lirocane with me, we need to keep it somewhere. "

" Ok,"

And with that they all took of running, in the direction of Aliah's cave.


When they where at Aliahs cave Kamien took Amythist from Nick.

Kamien walked across the cave floor and came across te back wall.

He reached out a hand and started feeling the wall.

Nick and Aliah follow, and stand behind him.

Then Kamiens had stops on a small crack that you would probably not see from a far side of the cave.

Kamiens hand pushes on the crack and the crack enlarges, and he stands back.

The crack grows ad opens to show another room, a part of the cave but secret.

Nicks mouth hung open.
" Wow," he manages to say.

" This was here when Alpha dad and Luna mom hid from the attack of the largest Lirocanes," Kamien explains.
" This is the secret room. "

Nick scans the room, still partly shocked.

He spotted a small bed, kitchen table and a boulder, as tall as his calfs, stood at the corner of the room.

" What's that?" Nick asks nodding towards the boulder.

" Another escape route that leads all the way to the village. " Kamien explains.

" Village?" Aliah asks.

Nick almost forgot she was here.

" Yes..." Kamien says not surely. Then glancing at Nick.

" Long story short, she hit her head and has totally forgotten about everything. " Nick says quickly.

"Mmhm," Kamien says disappointed.

Then Kamien takes Amythist and walks into the room, placing her onto the bed.

" She should rest," he explains as he exits the secret room and touches another crack, not on the left hand side, tht was not there before.

The enlarged crack closes and the room dissapears behind the wall again.

" I'll stay here with Aliah to tell her about everything and how this is her cave," Nick says taking Aliahs had and pulling her towards the bed.

" Ok" Kamien says plainly and walks out the cave entrance.

Nick sits down on the bed and Aliah does the same.

Nick starts explaining everything about her and this valley, but leaving out a large detail, that they all are werewolves.

He thought it was not the right time yet.

She stares at him intently, nodding her head in acknowledgment.

When he finishes she just keeps looking at him, her eyes round with interest.

He smiles weakly, he missed her.

Then they heard a howl.

Nick springs to his feet.

Aliah does the same.

Nick grabs Aliahs hand and runs out the cave.

They run towards the valley and when they reach it, Kamien is runnin their way.

" What's happening?" Nick asks.

" Follow me! I got a call from Mitch," Kamien yells and turns on his heel, sprinting across the valley, Nick and Aloah ran after him.

Nick remembers te one called Mitch, the one Aliah liked, the pure white wolf that helped defeat the Lirocane.

Nick scowls in disgust.

They run to the other side if the valley and head towards another pair of woods.

Nick spots a figure, holding someone bridal style, running towards them.

It was Mitch!

They reach him and Bick takes a look at the body he was holding.

It was a girl, she was wearing short shorts, a black t-shirt and her brown flowing hair was pulled into a loose ponytail.

Nick could not believe his eyes.

" Stefanie," he murmurs, unable to take his eyes off her face.

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