Chapter fourteen

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"So why exactly did the wolf obey you?! And why dd you call it Kamien?!" Nick asked, raising his tone afraid.

" I have a lot to tell you, but not yet," Aliah says quietly.

" Tell me now!" Nick yells at her.

He was tired of not knowing anything, just as soon as his life got normal, it got weird again.

" I can't, there is too much to explain. I will tell you when the time is right," she says sadly, she looks up at him, sadness in her beautiful green eyes.

" Please tell me what's going on," Nick says a little more quietly, "at least tell me why that wolf obeyed you, and why you spoke to it like that," Nick said, rubbing his temples with his fingers, did mind starting to swirl.

" Not yet, if anyone has to tell you, the old leader will," she says.

" The old le-," Nick was cut off by Aliah pressing her finger to his mouth.

She lets go telling him to stay quiet.

They stop walking.

She looks around the forest worried.

" Wha-," Nick is cut off again by her shushing him.

" What?" he whispers.

" Don't you hear that?" she asks whipspering back.

They paused and Nick listened.

Nothing was there.

" I don't hear anyth-" he is cut off yet again by Aliah shushing him.

He forced himself not to yell at her for being so protective.

" Listen closely," she whispers, pausing and letting Nick listen.

Nick listens hard.

He shakes his head, he couldn't hear anything.

Aliah grabs his hand and sprints to her cave.

Once they reach the entrance, Aliah shoves Nick in front of her and runs after him.

" What are you doi-"

" Shhhhhh!!!" she urges him.

He couldn't handle it anymore. He hated how she shushes him.

" Stop shushing me!" he yells.

" Please!" she whisper- shouts
"Please be quiet!"

Aliah stops and listens. Then a look of terror comes upon her face.
She runs to a corner and removes a large rock. Underneath it was a huge, dark pit. She runs back to Nick and pushes him to the corner.

" Go down!" she whispers shouts.

Then she pushes him down the pit, he climbs down the wooden ladder then Aliah comes after him.
She pulls the rock back into place and they say in darkness.

"What's happening?" Nick asks.

" there is a - " she was cut off from a loud thump above.

Nick froze and Aliah clung to him.

The thumps got louder and then Nick heard scratching.

Aliah shuddered.

Whatever it was, was trying to get into their little pit.

Then there was a loud roar that echoed through the cave all the way to the pit.

Aliah clung to Nick.

He was confused.

Why was she so scared?

Then the pit felt really hot.

Nick's face turned confused, he looked up to see a red and orange goo, oozing from the cracks of the rocks.


Aliah pulled on his hand and Nick turned to see a tunnel behind him.

He didn't see that before.

They ran with in to darkness the lava slowly coming after them.


They ran for hours, or minutes.

Nick couldn't tell, they lost the lava and had been running in darkness for a long time.

Finally they came to a stop.

Aliah let go of his hand and Nick started freaking out.

" Aliah?" Nick asks
"Where are you?"

" I'm right here stop freaking out," she says sternly. It shocked Nick since just a few minutes ago she was clinging to him afraid.

He walks to her voice and suddenly light spilled into the dark tunnel.

Nick looks up to see Aliah removing another boulder, standing at the top of a ladder and climbing out after it was removed.

Then the tunnel began hot again.

Nick turns to see the lava coming towards him.

He climbs the ladder quickly, Aliah grabbing his upper arm and pulling him up.

When he was out she covered the pit, and breathed out a sigh of relief.

" What happened back there?" Nick asks.

" That is what I would like to know," says a gravely voice behind them.

Nick turns quickly and sees a teen about eighteen standing a foot away from them.

Aliah stands and walks up to him.

" Hi Kamien," she says.

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