Chapter twenty-two

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" Can it really be you?" Nick asks, frowning and taking a step closer to Johnathan.

" Yeah...." Johnathan said slowly.

" But I thought you where," Nick paused," dead."

" Well, no," Johnathan says

Then Amythist ran up to Nick and tugged on his pant leg.

" Thanks girl," Nick said, taking the white cotton shifting clothes from Amythist's back.

Then Nick handed the clothes to Johnathan, who was still hiding behind a tree.

Johnathan grabbed the clothes and his head disappeared behind the tree.

Aliah took Nick's hand and gestures for him to sit down.

When they sat, Aliah asked Nick a question quietly

" Is that the kid you lost and you told me about in the tree house?" she whispered in his ear.

Nick nodded.

" I don't know how he survived but he did," Nick says with a shrug.

Then Johnathan came out from behind the tree, the clothes baggy on him.

He came and sat down beside Aliah.

Nick couldn't make eye contact with Johnathan. He felt too guilty.

" So John..." Nick started slowly, his eyes looking down at Amythist who placed her head on his lap.

Nick could feel Johnathan's eyes suddenly erupt with fire and anger, staring into Nick's mind.

" So Nick," Johnathan said between clenched teeth." What are you doing here, with your evil pet Lirocane?" Johnathan said sternly.

" Here to destroy the world??" Johnathan started slightly shouting the sarcasm.

Nick looked up angrily.

" For your information, I'M NOW THE LEADER OF WEREWOLVES AND THIS LIROCANE ISN'T AN IT, HER NAME IS AMYTHIST!! SO YOUR UNDER MY ORDERS NOW!!" Nick said yelling at the top of his lungs.

The way he said it sounded so cruel and selfish that it made Nick wince after he said it.

" Stop it you two!" Aliah slightly shouted.

" Nick! how could you say that!" She turned to Nick her eyes raging.
" You don't control anyone!" She said angrily then turning to Johnathan.

" And you, I understand you have the right to be angry," She started to say

" How do you know anything?!" Johnathan yelled, still not calmed.
" Don't get into our fight!" Johnathan yelled.

With that, Johnathan stood and shifted.

His eyes turned red in his wolf form.

Then he leaped at Nick, who was only getting to his feet.

Johnathan'a wolf form was not as big but he could fight well.

He tore his claws down Nicks back.

A scream ripped through Nick's throat.

Aliah got up and shifted leaping at Johnathan.

But Johnathan was quick and jumped back, Aliah flew past him and slammed into a tree on the outskirts of the forest.

Johnathan turned and crouched ready to leap onto Aliah.

Nick shifted to his alpha, but Johnathan leaped.

A howl erupted from Nick, and he leaped in to defend Aliah's weak body curled up in shock.

Johnathan was about to take Aliah down, but Nick tackled him and rolled him over slamming him to the ground, Nick's claws sinking into Jonathan's shoulders.

Johnathan screeched and kicked Nick off hitting him harshly in the stomach.

Nick fell back dazed as he began to see spots.

He coughed and saw blood splatter across the grass.

He looked up at Johnathan that was leaping and about to slam into Nick, when he saw a bright shine on his right side and a huge body load slam into Johnathan tackling him and bringing him down.

Whatever it was, was ripping at Johnathans shoulders.

Nick could hear Johnathan scream and yell as he thrashed about to get away from the huge body.

Nick closes his eyes tightly and shook his head.

The black spots cleared out a little, as he opened his eyes.

He got to his feet, stumbling weakly.

Then he ran to Aliah, tripping over himself slightly.

When he reached her, he placed his paw on her back and curled up beside her.

Her body was shaking and she felt very cold.

Nick looked up weakly to see Johnathan kick the body off him, blood splattering everywhere around him as he got up shaking his fur, blood pouring from his shoulders.

Johnathan slammed into the body mass, them two wrestling for their lives.

Nick closed his eyes and placed his head on his paws, his back roaring with pain.

Aliah's body was getting so much more colder.

Nick curled himself around her to make as much heat for her as possible.

He could feel her shaking and her body growing so cold, she was dying.

Tears streamed down his snout and falling gently into Aliah's fur.

His body shook as he sobbed over Aliah's dying body.

She grew colder and colder.

He heard Johnathan wail as he heard the two bodies slam against eachother, fighting fiercely.

Then Aliah's body sent a shock of cold up Nick's spine and she froze from shivering, then went limp.

Nick wailed and shook as tears rolled down his snout and wetting Aliah's beautiful silver and black fur.

She was gone. Forever.

Nick shook and sobbed violently.

Then his agony for her turned into rage.

She wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for John.

Nick got up angrily.

He howled fiercely, he didn't even know was possible.

Then he leaped at Johnathan his claws hitting him and tackling him to the ground.

He used all his strength to bring Johnathan down.

His back screamed with pain as he felt the sticky, hot feeling of blood cover his back.

Then he blacked out, the last sound he heard was Johnathan screech and then his ears rang as he fell limply ontop of Johnathan, darkness overwhelming him and pulling him to death.

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