Chapter two

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The wolf doesn't stop glaring at Nick as its form shimmers. Nicks eyes wide with fear and curiosity as to what is happening before him. Slowly Nick stands up, the wind howling and threatening him to sit back down. The wolf acted like a magnet, sucking the wind in, swirling around the wolfs body rapidly and dangerously, it's silver and black fur blowing in the wind fiercely. Nick, shocked, cannot take his eyes of the ice blue eyes, glaring at him. Then, something out of the ordinary happens. The wolf howls, a loud, ear splitting howl. The wind that was trapped, swirling madly around the wolf, lets loose, heading for Nick. Nick gasps and covers his eyes. The wind hits him hard and he falters, falling back onto the ground, hitting the side if his face on the ground. His head spinning, he sits up slowly, prepared for the wind, but the wind suddenly stopped, leaving a dead silence in the forest. Nick feels a stinging pain on his left cheek. he lifts his arm and touches it, wincing. He brings his hand down, seeing blood on his fingers which touched the gash. Suddenly it occurred to Nick that the strange wolf wasn't growling at him anymore. He looks over to were the wolf stood, seeing only the forest in front of him. The wolf has vanished! how could it be?! " something's up", Nick says slowly, " I knew I shouldn't of had come".

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