Chapter seventeen

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" What?" Nick asks, " the guardian of the valley? That makes no sense though. "

" Well, I live on the borders of the valley, any threat has to deal with me first. "

" So your like a security guard," Nick says

" not only," Aliah says," I have the power to harness the amulets from the four corners if the world, that may very well destroy it." She says
" I am very powerful and that's why the older guardian chose me. "

Nick looks shocked at her, and Kamien chuckles.

" She is your right handed man, or werewolf. She will fight beside you until her death, she will try to protect you in each way." Kamien sates.

" But she is the same age as me, I can handle myself fine," Nick says, crossing his hands over his chest.

" Stop pouting, it doesn't matter if she is ten years younger than you, she is your guardian at risk. " Kamien says with a smirk.

" So that means that she will help me at any cost?" Nick says shakily.

" Yes," Kamien ends with a shrug.
" But she is not only your guardian, she is also for the valley. "

" Oh," Nick says.

They sit in an akward silence finishing the meat they had.

Then Kamien got up, his eyes alert and his body tense.
Aliah looks up at him worry in her eyes.
Nick just stared at him in confusion.

Then Kamien growled, and Nick was token by shock.
He sounded like his wolf except he was a human right here, right now.
He never heard anything like it from him.

" Something crossed the border," he snarls. His fists clenched at his sides.

" What?" Nick asks, " border?"

" There is a border around the whole valley, it is marked for us werewolves.
Nothing should cross it. " Aliah replies to him.

Nick and Aliah watch Kamien shift and pound out of the cave.

Then a loud howl filled the valley, echoing off the cave walls.

Aliah nudged Nick and she got up and quickly walked out the cave entrance.

Nick came out after her, trying to match her strides.
Then she stopped and Nick bumped into her.
He rubbed his head and walked around her so he could stand beside her.

He noticed that they were standing a meter away from a fairly large flat boulder, jutting out of the grass.
Kamien was on the boulder, shifted into his wolf form.

Nick looked around the boulder to see a small crowd of people standing in front.

They weren't people, Nick sensed it

They where werewolves.

He watched as one by one, the werewolves shifted to their wolf form.

He turned to look at Aliah, although she was a wolf too.

Nick sighed and shifted his shifting clothes soon covered by fur and his eyesight and hearing more sharp.

He saw Kamien growl at the small crowd of maybe ten wolves and then he pointed his snout into the direction of the valley border that Nick, Aliah, and Kamien crossed to get here.

Then Nock spotted it, a large figure in the distance.

Nick shivered, he felt like he has seen this creature before...

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