Chapter thirty-two

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" Sköll!!??" the boys heard Nicks fake name.

" Someone's calling you," Riley says simply

" Yah, you think?" Nick replies rather sharply.

Riley flinches and Nick's gaze softens.

" Follow me," Nick adds,in a smoother tone, then shifts to his wolf form.

Riley does the same.

Nick leading, they run to Kani.

When they come across her, Riley jumps back, looking at Amythist scared and angrily.

Nick yips at Riley as if to tell him it's ok.

Kani reaches out her hand and pats Nick head.

" Who's your friend, Sköll?" Kani asks sweetly.

Riley bows.

Riley yips and Amythist think for a second.

Amythist tells something to Kani and she smiles.

" Nice to meet you Onai," Kani smiles and a confused look appears on Riley's face.

Riley looks at Nick.

" I'm Kani! If I translate correctly, Onai means wolf in Tamil," she smiles and pats Riley's head.

Nick motions for Riley to follow him.

" Be back soon boys!" Kani calls after them.

When they where out of sight and earshot they shift.

" Onai?" Riley asks, slightly annoyed.

" Hey, chill, Anythist made my name too"

" Amythist?"

" The female Lirocane that Kani was holding. "

" Oh,"

" She knows some ancient names which now I just understood," Nick says.

" Onai though," Riley grumbles.

" It's not a bad name, plus you couldn't tell her your real name, she is my friend ad she might visit the valley or something," Nick says

" Oh"

" Yeah,"

" Whatever"

" Guess your nickname is now Onai,"
Nick smirks

Riley smiles," and yours is Sköll"

" Come on let's go," Nick says, shifting and looking up at Riley.

" Your wolf is pretty cool," he says while shifting.

Nick just rolls his eyes, yeah whatever, he thought.

They run back to Kani and Amythist.

" Come on boys, I'm going to show you my tribe, though you need to have good balance for this," Kani says with a grin.

Amythist crawls onto her shoulder from her arms.

She gets up and leaps onto a tree, hanging by her arms, then doing a back flip and landing on it standing perfectly.

Nick and Riley's jaws hung open.

" Come on guys!" she yells to them.

Nick was the first to try.

He leaped into the trunk, his large claws grip, and he tries to pull himself up, only to fall backwards in his butt, then summersaulting backwards onto his paws.

"Oh right, your wolves," Kani says, " wait right there,"

Then she leaps onto a higher branch, dissapearing from sight.

Then she leaped down onto the branch she was on a second ago with a large, log like branch.

She tossed it down and made a log ramp.

" Come on up!" she says with a wave of her hand

Riley goes first this time, testing the branch steadily, placing one paw gently infront of the other, then he was standing beside Kani, rather proud.

Nick smirks and bounds up the ramp carelessly, leaping beside Riley.

" We should keep moving before this branch breaks," Kani says then leaps to another branch that was thick as a balance beam.

Nick this time jumps after her, then Riley.

Anyone that walked by would've fainted from the sight.

A wild girl with a Lirocane on her back jumping from branch to branch, with two wolves following

Nick chuckles at the thought.

" This way," Kani says, jumping to another tree branch.

What Nick didn't understand was why didn't they travel by ground? it seems clear enough for travel, why not?

They leapt cautiously from branch to branch the sun slowly dipping into the horizon.

Then Nick ears a screech.

For a second he thought that it was Amythist, but when he looked at her, her mouth was shut, and the scream kept going, until it stopped and echoed through the forest.

Nick shudders and he could feel Riley's fright.

" Get down!" Kani whisper shouts when she leaps onto a large branch which was thick.

Nick and Riley leap onto the same branch and crouch down like Kani and Amythist.

" Stay quiet," Kani warned.

Why would they? whats happening?

Then a large figure tramped out of the under growth infront of them.

It was at least six feet tall, except the way it looked was awfully strange.

It had the head of a lion, the body of a horse and a long fox tail.

That was the strangest creature he has ever seen.

Except the horse body was completely bashe like the fur if the mane and two feathered wings, like a Pegasus.

Nick shudders.

The creature bends down and eats some grass, which looked completely ridiculous since the head was a lion, but you couldn't blame it, it was half Pegasus.

It's fox tail lashes from side to side and its wings flap.

Nick could hear Kani's sharp and quick breath.

She was obviously afraid.

What was up with this land and mixed animals?

When the thing stopped eating grass, it roared and tramped away.

Well that was something.

Kani looked at us and put a finger to her mouth to indicate to keep quiet.

Then she got out of crouching mode and leaped to another branch, the rest following behind closely.

Nobody wanted to get lost in the night, especially with that thing walking around.

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