Chapter thirty-seven

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Nick and Aliah walk hand in hand towards Nick and Kamien's den.

They run into Mitch on the way.

" hey Mitch!" Aliah says, letting go of Nicks hand and going to hug Mitch.

Mitch returns the hug then let's go as Aliah returns to Nick.

Jealousy bubbles inside of Nick.

Why couldn't he be tall and muscular.

Well he was tall... But taller.

" guys... You'll never believe it, I have great news," Mitch says smiling.

" what, what is it?" Nick asks, rolling his eyes.

" that girl I found.. She is in a coma,"
Mitch smiles.

" that is good news how? And that girls name is Stefanie," Nick snaps.

" because during her coma I found out she is my mate!" Mitch says, almost squealing like a little boy that just got a remote control airplane for Christmas.

" wow! Congrats!" Aliah says smiling.

Nicks mind goes blank.

" I see you two are together," Mitch says smirking and wiggling his eyebrows.

Aliah giggles.

" guess what?" Aliah says.

" what?" He asks

" we are mates," Aliah smiles and sighs, hugging Nick.

Nicks mind was just blank.

" wow! Nice! You two do seem like a nice couple! Ok I have to go check on my mate, if you'll excuse me..." And with that Mitch was gone.

Stefanie was his mate.



Nick and Aliah arrived at Nick and Kamiens den, and luckily Kamien and Nicks father where discussing matters.

They spotted Nick and Aliah and motioned for them to sit down.

" okay Nick, you are our Alpha, the ceremony is tomorrow, it's great!" Kamien says smiling.

" you know what would be better?" Nicks father asks. " if he had a mate, a Luna to run the pack,"

" I do," Nick says, barely able to squeak it out.

His thoughts kept drifting to Stefanie.

" what! Seriously! Your not kidding? You have a mate?" Kamien asks, happy.

" yes, it's Aliah, Aliah is my mate,"

The room was silent as it all sinked in.

" that's great!" Kamien finally says throwing his hands in the air.

" sure is," Aliah smiles and kisses Nick on the cheek.

Nick manages a weak smile and his father claps him on the back," good job my son!" He smiles.

" alright, the ceremony is tomorrow, everything will be amazing! Nick will be Alpha, Aliah will be Luna, and a new child will take the place of Guardian of the Valley," Kamien says.

" everything will be great,"

Yeah Nick thought, everything will be fine, for we are wolves.


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