Chapter twenty

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When Nick wakes, he can feel Aliah's soft wolf fur brushing against him.

His breath tightens.

He has never been so close to her before.

He hopes that she doesn't notice that he has stiffened but the sound of even breathing tells nick she is still sound asleep.

He relaxed.

He waited a few moments before she awoke.

He looked around and saw the sun slowly rising into the horizon for the day to start.

Some werewolves were already up, but very few.

As he felt Aliah awakening from her sleep, he moved slowly away from her to give her room.

She gives a large yawn and turns to face Nick.

She smiles and slowly rises to her paws, nudging Nick, and trotting into the forest.

Nick gets up after her and jogs to catch up to her.

She stops and Nick comes up to her side.

She points his her muzzle to a couple of rabbits farther away.

Nick nods and he takes a right keeping low and stalking one rabbit as Aliah went for the other.

When Nick came closer to the rabbit, he looked around them to spot Aliah readying herself to pounce.

He looks at him and she points with her muzzle to tell him to move away.

Nick scoots quietly as Aliah looks back at the tabbits and unsheathed her claws.

She leaps and the rabbits dart away.

That was Nicks que.

He sprinted after one rabbit as Aliah was already ontop of the other.

As she bit into its neck, Nick leaped into his prey and slammed it to the ground.

The impact killed the rabbit in seconds.

He picked up his prey and walked over to Aliah.

He dropped it in front kid her and she smiled.

They ate their prey in silence, only the sound of birds chirping giving a slight happiness to their past.

When they finished their portions Aliah bounded out the forest and to the valley.

Nicn sprinted up to her and trotted along.

When they reached Nick's cave, Aliah was the first to shift back to human, then Nick, their shifting clothes on them right away.

As they both sat down on the floor a howl echoed through the cave.

Aliah got up and Nick got up after her.

Aliah ran out and turned her head quickly, looking for the source of the noise.

The howl sounded again and then Nick was beside her, fuss clenched and turning looking with Aliah.

Then she pointed in the direction of the east forest.

There was a limping figure with a smaller figure attached to it.

Aliah shifted and Nick sighed, rolling his eyes then shifting too.

They sprinted to the two figures, wrestling near the east forest.

When Nick and Aliah arrived, Nick saw that it was a wolf.

Not just any kind if wolf.

A werewolf.

Nick could sense it.

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