Chapter three

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Nick looks around the forest warily. " this can't happen", he says shocked, " it just vanished, that can't happen. Right?"
Nick shakes his head in confusion, " at least I'm alive", he says, " but really freaked out". Nick gets up to leave, looking around the forest. Then, a twig snaps behind him. Nick spins around scared that it might be the wolf again, but nothing's there. He looks down and shivers, thinking about those ice blue eyes, how they pierced through him, leaving him un moving in shock. Then he snaps out of his gaze when he notices the familiar gravel path. " What?" Nick says stumped, " that wasn't there a second ago". He looks up confused to see the path that leads back to the town under his feet and stretching as far as he could see. " The path...", he says shakily, " what just happened?" He looks around as if he would get the answer from a tree. Unsure he walks forward, slowly, while scanning the forest for any movement, but everything was still. Glancing back slowly to the front of his path he quickens his pace, something about the forest was creeping him out. The eerie sound of nothing gave him the chills. Then he exits the forest, relieved to see the welcoming lights of the town.

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