Chapter six

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Nick was awake most of the night, trying to think of a way to find his father, even though he might probably already be dead. He was deep in thought when he heard a howl coming from out his bedroom window. He gets up slowly and walks up to the window. He opens it and peeks outside. Nicks house was one of the few houses that were on the outskirts of town, along with Stefanie's and a few others. He looks both ways out the window before looking straight at the forest. The howl sounded again, and Nick shivered, he still remembers, just a few hours ago, he was I guess you could say ' attacked ' by the wolf. The wind picks up again, and Nick stares into the forest in front of him in a trance. the howling getting louder, and
The wind picking up speed. These signs reminded him of the attack. "No", he whispers, " why would anyone go out at night? Who would be that stupid?" Nick looks back into his safe room then he looks back out the window, he sighs and jumps out the window, landing steadily on his feet. he looks up at the forest, hesitates and then he runs in.

Twigs and branches are hitting his face, bushes and thorns scraping his legs. He is running through the forest getting closer to the howling, the wind fighting him then he comes to a clearing, trees surrounding it. The grass rough, not soft like how it usually is in the other parts of the forest. just a few metres away a wolf was standing howling, having the wind blow around him, it's back towards Nick. The wolf was facing a little boy, probably from the town, that Nick didn't recognize. He was crying, tears strolling down his face. He seemed about 11 years old, and he was wearing a green shirt, a pair of jeans and two sneakers. "Hey!" Nick yells out. The wolf turns, but it was not the same one which 'attacked' him. It was a grey wolf with a brown spot around his eye. His eyes were pure black, and he started growling viciously at Nick for interrupting. The wind died down and the scared little boy stopped sobbing. Instead he looked curiously at Nick, wide eyed, and afraid. The wolf turns completely, starting to approach Nick, baring it's teeth, snarling and growling. Nick looks around desperately, and sees a long branch on the ground. He quickly jumps beside it and takes it into his hand, pointing the end at the wolf. A look of shock spreads across the wolfs face, but only for a minute. Then it got closer and closer, it's eyes burning. Nick charges forward, like he was in a jousting competition for his life. The wolf pounces, letting a growl rip through it's throat.

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