Chapter thirty-five

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They finally reach the valley.

As Riley and Nick shift Amythist crawls off.

" come back!" Nick yells frustrated, in his human form, running after Amythist.

' catch me first!' Amythist yells in his mind.

' just come here! ' Nick yells angrily back at her,' you might get caught by a werewolf! They will kill you! '

' oh well, you gotta catch me first!' Amythist squeals.

Nick is chasing open armed after Amythist in circles as Riley watched.

" Um Alpha Sköll, we need to get to Alpha Kamien, we need to talk," Riley says loudly, frustrated.

" I need to catch Amythist first!" Nick yells back.

Riley rolls his eyes.

As Amythist nears him, looking back at Nick chasing her, Riley places his foot out and trips her.

Nick catches up and snatches Amythist into his arms.

" never do that again!" Nick growls at Amythist.

' lets just get to Aliah,' Amythist says.

This made Nick drop her to the ground.

' Aliah? What about her?' Nick asks looking down at the scrambling Amythist.

' ugh, we have to see her, I have this weird feeling that's something gonna happen, Lirocane's have feelings like that, strong senses. We. Need. To. See. Her. ' Amuthist ends with a snort.

' but I gotta get Riley to Kamien- ' Nicks thoughts where interrupted by Riley.

" Alpha Sköll, we cannot just stand here and think, we need to get a move on,"Riley says with annoy.

" My name is Nick, not Sköll," Nicm mutters.

" that's your nickname from me, Alpha Sköll. Plus all Alphas can choose an Alpha name, only if they want to, and yours will probably be Sköll," Riley says.

" Fine, Onai," Nick snaps back.

Riley shrugs.

" let's go," he says.

" I need to go somewhere else first," Nick says.

" what! But Alpha Skö-"

" you don't need to call me Alpha Sköll, yet. My name is Nick, and my brother Kamien is Alpha right now," Nick says angrily.

" sure Alp- Er, Nick," Riley says.

" go find Kamien and talk to him. I'm not Alpha yet, I deal with my own problems," Nick says and walks towards Aliah's cave without another word, Amythist crawling after him.


They reach Aliah's cave, and when Nick enters, he wishes he hasn't.

Aliah was on the floor, curled up in a ball, muttering something under her breath.

" Aliah!" Nick yells.

At the sound of her name, Aliah's head shoots up.

Nick flinches.

Her neck made a cracking noise and her eyes where bloodshot.

She was still muttering something under her breath, staring wide eyed at Nick.

" stay away, stay away, stay away, stay away-," Aliah mutters a little louder.

Then her body snaps into an awkward angle and her face twists in pain as her eyes turn from bloodshot to a neon blue, then to bloodshot.

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