Chapter five

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Nick and Stefanie walk around the town, talking. " You've been looking for him again haven't you?" Stefanie asks. " Yea", Nick replies softly, looking at the ground, " I need to find him Stef, I can't give up". " I know ", she replies softly back. Ever since Nick was 5, his dad mysteriously went missing, he left to the forest to gather some things and just vanished. "Your brave to go out looking for him, when everyone lost hope ", Stefanie says. " I know, but it has been 9 years Stef! I just can't find him ", Nick glances up at Stefanie, and she looks at him, sadness in her eyes. " Don't lose hope, Nick, not like the others", and with that, she hugs him tightly then whispers to him, " do it for me, do it for us", then she pulls away, giving him a hopeful glance and walks off towards her home. After that, everything seemed like a blur to Nick, his eyes glazed over, trying to re-picture the wonderful kiss Stef gave him. His heart was a float. He needed to find his father now.

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