Chapter thirty-four

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They walk around the tribe, Amythist clinging onto Kani's shoulder, looking around at all the people of her tribe.

Riley and Nick walk on either side of Kani.

People that where walking our path and noticed them, would turn and walk the other way. Quickly.

Well it was odd with a girl walking around with two unusually large wolves and a Lirocane on her back.

Kani babbled on about her tribe, but Nick was paying no attention, his mind kept wandering off to the miss matched animals in the forest.

" Vtorecans," Kani say, which snaps Nick out of his daze.

What? What where Vtorecans? Nick asks himself.

' I saw you dozing off as Kani spoke ,' he heard Amythist say in his mind.

' yeah whatever, this is so boring, ' Nick says rolling his eyes and looking up to Amythist who was perched proudly on Kani's shoulder, while Kani continued to talk about whatever those Vtorecans are.

' man, you should listen, it's pretty interesting, not boring, you learn a lot about this tribe thing, maybe when you become Alpha, you can make an  alliance with these people, ' Amythist says.

' what are you, my mother? I just wanna go home, ' Nick protests. 

' ugh, just listen ' Amythist says rolling her eyes turning her head to look up front.

Nick perks his dropping ears to listen to what Kani was talking about.

" And that's pretty much it about Vtorecans," Kani ends and Nick shrugs walking lazily.

The day ends quickly and Amythist tells Kani that they had to leave.

Kani just tells them to be safe and travel by the trees.

Nick yawns, this day was so slow and lazy that he had almost fell asleep a few times.

The three leap into the trees and start their journey home.

' this was a waste of our time, I could've been with Aliah, helping her out of her amnesia or something, ' Nick says, already faltering, he new the idea was hopeless. Helping Aliah, she was gone forever.

' yeah right, big baby worrying about his girlfriend that is now not the same person anymore? ' Amythjst says with a snicker.

Whatever, Nick thought.

They leapt from tree to tree

Riley barks.

Nick stops confused and Amythist dicks into a tree branch.

Riley jumps to another and crouches down, flattening against the branch.

Nick shrugs and does the same.

Amythist flies to his side instead.

' I'll be with you since you don't know how to do anything, ' Amythist says

' I'm not a child, I'll be fine, ' Nick retorts.

Amythist sighs and leaps to her own branch again.

Then a tree crackles and splinters, crashing to the ground.

The outburst shocked Nick, and he was now staring at the fallen tree.

A large creature stomped onto the tree, completely flattening it with its horse hooves.

That weird creature again.

Lion head, horse body, fox tail.


' Vtorecan ' Amythist says in his mind, barely a whisper.

' that's what that thing is? ' Nick asks, eyes wide.

He could hear Anythist snort.

' no duh smart one ' Amythist says in a duh tone.

Nick growls, making Amythjst flinch.

He smirks, but wished he hasn't.
The large Vtorecan looked up to where he was sitting on the branch.

It's large white eyes stare straight at him.

' why is it looking at me like that? ' Nick asks frightened.

' idiot, if you where listening, you'd know it's BLIND, ' Amethyst answers in annoy.

Nick stops all movement and holds his breath.

Those large white eyes have him the chills.

The head retracts slowly, still staring at Nick.

It stomps off in another direction, not bothered at all.

Nick lets out a breath of relief.

They keep moving.


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