Chapter twenty-one

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Nick woke to the sound of rock scraping harshly against something.

He sat up, Aliah was still snoozing soundly and the werewolf behind him was curled up in a fluffy ball of ragged fur.

But the Lirocane was not on his lap anymore.

Nick looked around, some traces of dawn already showing

He could sense the activity of prey and wolves awakening and starting about on their morning routines.

He got up and scanned the clearing for any show of the Lirocane from yesterday, but as impossible as it seems, the creature vanished.

The sound of the rock was getting loud and more annoying.

Nick looked around for the source of the sound.

He saw a small river and there was a large body frame on the bank.

Nick walked slowly to it, the sound of rock clanking against rock got louder.

When Nick came up a couple feet from it he noticed it was just the Lirocane working on something.

He came up beside the Lirocane noticing that it was holding a bright colourful rock and was banging another rock against it, with its small claws.

Nick saw a small black lump on the Lirocanes back.

When Nick focused his eyes he could clearly see that they were small black bat wings, starting to grow on the Lirocanes back.

The Lirocane turned, its sapphire blue eyes pierced Nick and made his head hurt.

The Lirocane looked down.

' Sorry for leaving you master'

The small voice said in Nicks head again.

" Master?" Nick asked out loud, looking around

' Yes, I sensed a great leadership in you when you figures out that you are the alpha of you werewolf pack, I am here to be your companion and your friend' the voice rasped in Nicks mind.

" Who's talking anyways?" Nick asks confusion gripping his mind.

' It is I, master, your faithful Lirocane at your service' the Lirocane said.
' My name is amythist'

Nick looked down at the Lirocane eyes wide.

The Lirocane just dipped its head.

" So you can talk to me in my head?" Nick asks voice shaky.

' Yes, all Lirocanes may use this link to talk to all animals or hybrids '

" But I'm not an animal," Nick stated.

' No, but your a werewolf, and the wolf is an animal so I may use this link on you too'

" Oh," Nick said still bewildered by this Lirocane.

' I have something for you,' said amythist.

She turned around and Nick could see her pick something shinning in her teeth.

She turned back and held it up for Nick.

' Take it, its an offering from me to you,'

" Thanks,"Nick said unsure then taking it in his hands.

It was a sapphire stone which had a carving of a wolf on it, the lines where so precise that it was beautiful.

Attached to the stone was a thin rope.

' It's an amulet ' amythist said in his mind.

" Amulet?" Nick asks, not taking his eyes off the beautiful stone.

' You'll learn about it soon ' amythist said.
' Put it on,' she added.

Nick placed his head through the rope and the sapphire hang around his neck.

" Thanks " Nick said more sure of himsel saying it again.

They walked back to Aliah and the wolf in silence, but the silence was warm and welcoming.

When they reached Aliah and the wolf, Aliah started to stir.

She woke and sat up looking at the Lirocane, then at Nick.

Nick quickly put the amulet in his shirt.

He did not want her to see it just yet, he did not know if she trusted Amythist.

Aliah smiled then stroked the wolfs head and he woke shortly after.

The wolfs round eyes looked at Nick full of life, but when they glanced at Amythist, Nick could see the terror creep in and he heard the slightest sound of a whimper.

Amythist growled quietly and Nick looked down at her giving a warning glance.

Amythist stopped growling and looked at Nick apologetically.

' Sorry master' she said in his mind.

" What's going on you two?" Nick asks out loud.

" They got in a fight," Aliah said rolling her eyes.

' Oh, me and the wolf might of had a disagreement' Amythist said to Nick.

" What kind of disagreement?" Nick asks looking down at Amythist and raising his eyebrow.

Aliah looked between them two as if Nick just got hit in the head by a plane.

' Well I was hunting a rabbit, and I got ready to pounce on it,' Amyrhist started.

' And then this massive fur load came out of nowhere and took my rabbit!' the sound of Anythist screeching in his mind made his ears ring.

' Then I came up to him and started telling him that he took my rabbit!' Amythist angrily stated invisible mind.

' Then he GROWLED at me!' she started yelling.

" Calm down!" Nick looked at her.

Amythist breathed in deeply ten exhaled.

' Sorry master'

" That's ok," Nick said looking at the wolf.

" you guys have a link don't you?" Aliah asked looking intently at Nick.

" Well, I think that's what it's called," Nick says.

Aliah sighs.

She stops stroking the wolfs head and looks down at him.

" Come on, tell your side of the story," Aliah said standing and moving to Nicks side.

The gets up shaking then Nick could see that he was about to shift.

" He is a werewolf?" Nick asks

" Yes ," Aliah says not taking her eyes off the wolf.
" Go on," she urged the wolf.

Then Nick could see the bones shifting and his muscles flexing into new positions.

Then as it was shifting, it ran into the woods.

Nick stepped forwards to go after it but Aliah put her hand on his chest, and pushes him back.

Then a familiar face popped out behind a near tree.

Nicks eyes widened.

Aliah looked down at Amythist.
" Please get some shifting clothes."
Aliah asked then handed her a rock bracelet.

Give this to te first werewolf you see and they will know that your no harm.

Amythist nodded and ran towards the valley in the distance.

Aliah looked back at the boy.

" Now tell us, what is your name?" Aliah asks.

The boy opened his mouth hit Nick answered before him.

" Johnathan"

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