⁽ ⁰¹ ⁾ 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗈𝗅𝗏𝖾.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to the first chapter! Enjoy!

edited on december 2nd, 2021 @ 11:41am





KEIJI KNEELED DOWN IN FRONT of a very familiar grave. He was currently wearing a black tank top with a burnt orange bomber jacket over it. On the back of jacket is a picture of a scorpion and on the side of the sleeves, "Scorpions" is written in kanji in black. Miyasato Toru, his vice president, stood next to him wearing a similar jacket over a black hoodie.

"Hello, Shinichiro-san. I hope you're doing well." Keiji spoke up, placing a bouquet of yellow roses on the grave. "Sorry I haven't been visiting as much, life has been getting in the way."

"I don't get bullied as much anymore. I know you were constantly worried about that." Keiji chuckled. "And I also am the president of my own gang. Isn't that great? To-chan is a great vice president and best friend too."

Keiji fought back his tears as he remembered the first time he went up to Shinichiro and asked for help.

"You want me to teach you how to fight?" Shinichiro asked the young boy who had arrived at his bike shop and was bowing to him.

"I'm getting bullied by some older kids. My parents passed away so I normally live on the streets now. I want to be able to fight back but I don't know how."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm terrible when it comes to fighting." Shinichiro claimed.

"Huh?! Then what's this about you being a great delinquent then? Man, talk about totally getting deceived. I wasted my time for nothing."

"Hey, kid. That doesn't mean I won't help you. There's a lot more to being a delinquent than just fighting." Shinichiro said, opening the door and allowing the young boy to step in. "I'm Sano Shinichiro."

"Koyanagi Keiji."

"Well, Keiji." Shinichiro began. "Tell me about yourself."

"As I told you earlier, my parents are deceased, I don't have any siblings." Keiji responded. "What about you, Shinichiro-san?"

"I have three younger siblings. In fact, my younger brother Manjiro is your age." Shinichiro replied. "You two are actually really similar in a way. I think you two would be great friends."

"Tch, yeah right!"

Another memory flashed in Keiji's mind. The time where he got his first bike, something he still treasures today.

"Keiji! I got a surprise for you!"

"You do?" A younger Keiji asked as Shinichiro nodded before gesturing the young boy to follow him.

Keiji saw something that was wrapped in cloth as he watched Shinichiro remove it. The young boy widened his eyes when he saw a black motorcycle with a orange tint to it.

"Whoa! Is this really mine?" Keiji asked the older male who chuckled a little at the boy's excitement.

"All yours, Keiji." Shinichiro replied.

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