⁽ ⁰⁷ ⁾ 𝗇𝗈 𝗐𝖺𝗒.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on january 20th, 2022 @ 8:03pm






"SHINICHIRO-SAN! TODAY'S THE DAY!" Keiji entered Shinichiro's bike shop, startling the older male who was working on a bike.

"Keiji, don't you have any friends to bother? You're always visiting me." Shinichiro told him.

Keiji held an irked expression. "I have To-chan!" He defended.

"Yet, you're always in my shop bugging me. Go out and enjoy your life as a kid."

"I know the guy who got rejected over 20 times isn't talking. When are you gonna get a girlfriend?"

"Show some respect, you brat!"

Keiji yelped as he dodged a wrench that was heading his way. "You're so mean to me, Shinichiro-san!" He exclaimed as Shinichiro just gave him a deadpan expression.

"Anyhow, Keiji. What's so important about today?" He asked.

"Oh! Today is the day I'm finally going to give my bullies what they deserve!" Keiji answered.

"I see." Shinichiro sighed as he wiped his hands on a rag. "Tell me how it goes. All right?"

"Will do! See you later, Shinichiro-san!"

"And for god's sake get some more friends!"

Keiji laughed as he exited Shinichiro's bike shop. Unaware that was the last time he would ever see the person he looked up to as a role model alive.

Later that day, Keiji ended up finding the bullies who always gave him a hard time.

"What's up, Red? Back for another beating?"

"Didn't you learn your lesson last time!"

"Piss off!"

Keiji let out a deep breath. "Turn your strength into power, Keiji. That's all you gotta do. Make Shinichiro-san proud." He thinks to himself.

He heads straight for the guy on his right first, quickly sending a roundhouse kick his way. That's when the others started heading for him as he begins fighting them off.

Keiji sent a punch to the leader, sending him crashing into a wall with all his other lackeys on the ground, defeated.

"I just pulverized you and your lackeys." Keiji announced. "You got anything to say?"

The leader gave no response. "If you don't want me to kick your ass again, you best leave me alone. Got it?" Keiji asked.

"Y-Yes, sir!"

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