⁽ ²⁵ ⁾ 𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝖻.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on june 4th, 2022 @ 12:50pm





"MUCHO-KUN WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE?" Takemichi asked. Muto just pulled out a chair, making it squeak as he sat down in front of Takemichi.

"We the 5th Division are Toman's special unit. We're a 'special unit' that has a permit to dispute with other members when seen fit." Muto explained.

"Eh? Has a permit?" Takemichi asked himself. "Special unit?"

"Simply put we're Toman's 'discipline committee.' We are allowed to punish those who betray Toman. Without getting any permission from the President! Mikey put me, the strongest of all division captains in charge of this 'special unit.'" Muto explained.

"Huh? So... that means Mucho isn't on Tenjiku's side? He's a good person?" Takemichi thought.

"So does that mean I did something suspicious?" He then asked.

Muto stayed silent for a moment. "You know, my motto is... 'A suspect's guilt must be proved beyond reasonable doubt.'" He replied.

"Huh?! Wait a minute. Are you saying I did something?" Takemichi questioned.

"Who knows? I don't know." Muto responded.

"Izana, right?" Inui spoke up.


"I had a connection with Tenjiku's Kurokawa Izana." Inui revealed.

"Eh? Inupi and Izana?" Takemichi muttered.

"Me, who was aiding Izana, entered the First Division. The First Division is Toman's traitor. Tenjiku's spy. And the mastermind behind it all is Hanagaki Takemichi!" Inui exclaimed.


"That's what you're thinking, isn't it? Mucho!" Inui asked.

"Sei-chan, you're not making a lick of sense right now, but I think I understand." Keiji spoke. "I'm here because you think I'm aiding Michi. Do ya, Mucho?"

Muto didn't answer as he stood up. "I'm Toman's traitor?!" Takemichi asked himself. "Have I been staged by this guy?"

"He's wrong! I'm—" Takemichi paused. "What should I do. I can't find any excuse!"

"Hanagaki isn't the traitor."

"Eh?" Takemichi was confused by Kokonoi's words.

"Mucho... You've got it all wrong. We're not betraying Toman at all." Inui added on.

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