C H A P T E R .3

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  Neil's provo:-
           "WOW"  is the only word came from my mouth after seeing this adorable mumchick who is currently held protective  in my arms being all sacred from falling down  precisely seeing a stranger i.e me . Her face is so cute ,her closed eyes , her soft  cheeks ,her plum lips and a mole about her lips are soo beautiful  she is becoming  all red don't why by each passing second .It's been few minutes since we are in a flim type position where i am holding her by her waiste and she is in her own land still chanting  hanuman chalisa ! She is still a kid by heart i can say that without any doubt  . My heart is trembling loudly and i bet if she is not in  her own la la land than she might listen to it cleary .uffffff!!
            When i thought of asking her about how is she ! I got intrupted by my phone call and within less  than a second she opened her eyes ,glanced at me then without wasting any time she started to run like a kitten and in a blink of a time she is no where to be seen . Oh god ! this girl is really crazy but adorable ,i even doubt if she could remember me for next time if by any chance we meet !  All the while i had totally forgot that i have to meet raman uncle today , dad might be angry on me and even raman uncle would be waiting for me since long ! Without wasting time i started to search for them near the pool area when i finally spotted them i made my way and again my phone started ringing argh ! smetimes these gadgets really irritate hell out of us .
            Giving instructions to my p.a for my music studio ,interior designing i kept my phone in my pocket and now again i crashed with an unknown girl ,i think so today my luck is not good and for my surprise she is the same girl who i had saved  from falling into the pool , but  this time she is in a hurry running behind a man in his mid 40's ,he might be her father i don't even know when i started to stare at her retiring figure ,she is long gone but i stood there thinking why i am getting attract to her in first meet ! it is not even a meet .I am here for my kiddo ,the love of my life  and thinking about some other girl is not good . But don't know why my heart is screamming by some unknown emotion seeing her ! It's like it want to say something to me but i am unable to understand ,damn !!
           I am still gazing at the place where she disappeared few minutes ago and from no where dad came and said "ISN'T SHE THE CUTEST " . "She is so cute to handle dad " i said still being in a daze .Wait what does he mean by that ? Did he see me staring at her ?

Prakash:-  Don't u know staring her someother girl when you are in love with someone is not good?

Neil:- It's not  like what you think dad and i am very loyal to my kiddo  and i am not staring at her i was just adoring her cuteness .And where is raman uncle ? He is no where to be seen ?

Prakash:- Ok ! He just went , avni is not feeling well , she was all scared when she came back  after coming back from the view ,without wasting anytime raman had taken her out  he had said that she is taking stress for her final exams and kept crying whole night so he had  promised her that he will spend his whole day with her .

Neil:- Avni !! Avni is here ! And u didn't tell me about it ? Why dad ? U know right i am here for her ! i want to settle here so that she can leave with her  parents .It's been 18 years dad i have   seen her and why she is feeling nervous ?

Praksah: Neil don't get hyper i know what you are feeling and why are you saying you had not seen her ! You were staring at  her right few movements before ?

Neil:- What !! Dad are you serious ? When did i stared at avni i stared at some unknow girl who is a stranger to me ! Wait what did you say !!!  it means who i had saved and stared few movements ago is my avni ? My kiddo?

Prakash:- Finally my son as got some brain . The person whom you  was staring without blinling your eyes is your avni only neil ,she as grown up but she is still kid at heart ,she gets  afraid easily for every small thing as raman said . When i am talking with raman avni had come all crying and asked raman to take her to home or somewhere away where only she and raman will be there .After seeing tears in her eyes he  had took her with him saying he will meet you someother day .

Neil:- Knowingly or unknowingly i had made her cry dad i am seeing her after 18 years and see what i did with her !
She is still the same dad my cute adorable kiddo .It means before my eyes see avni my heart started to sream her name  when she was in my arms ! now i got to know dad why i was feeling so good feeling an unknow girl  near me because she is my kiddo ,my avni . I am soo happy dad . Thank you dad thank you soo much for showing me my avni .

Prakash:-  Now you will say thanks to your dad haa !! Comeon neil all i need is your happiness and i know your happiness lies in avni .If you want we can go tomorrow to her home and you can even talk with her .

Neil:- Thanks dad but no i want to give her some space atleast till she completes her final exams i.e Mba . Till then i will complete our house and music studio desingning .I am happy atleast i have seen her and feel her .

Prakash:-  I am proud of you my son ,come let's  have your   breakfast then you call babe and say her that you have met your kiddo after 18 long years more than you she will be happy son .

         Having my breakfast i sarted to talk with my gf about my love and has dad said she is the most happiest person knowing about avni , while  pulling my legs she  asked  me to say  from the start how i met avni and all ,at the time call ended i was all red  this is the effect she as on me .  Don't ask me when and where i started to fall fir her because the answer is unknow to me too .Few more days love i will be infront of you and then i promise i will never ever leave you even for a movement .Only i know how i had lived these 18years without you  and now i can't  . I love you kiddo 💕💖.Today is father  and daughters day so i don't want to disturb them but from tomorrow onwards i will love you from far and will meet you daily noe my day will not pass without seeing you avni .

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