C H A P T E R . 96

191 30 21

Caution 18++ :-
Hottest chapter ever in AvNeil stories till date,...
I think so I have did pure justice to all the mature fans over here by this chapter.
No Negatives comments are encourage.

Anyone who doesn't want to read and are not comfortable in 18+ content,..
Please don't read it.

The last hot chapter and mature content of the story.
Enjoy guys.


Story continues...,

Avni :-  Mmmm...Neilu....Neil...st..op...

Neil :-  30-mins are not completed yet Jaan.

Avni :- I am un...ab..le to...br..ea..th...

Neil :- Breath along with me Baby.

Standing steadily on Neil's foot holding his neck and hair tightly in her both fist, breathing heavily after 20-mins of passionate kiss of both,.
Neil gripped Avni more into himself not letting her leave
the contact of his lips with hers.

Neil gripped Avni more into himself not letting her leavethe contact of his lips with hers

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Listening to Neil,

Avni breathed heavily from Neil's taking his breath by her mouth,
She moulded her lips into Neil's
kissing him slowly to breath and also to explore him,..
Neil's hand reach to Avni's back letting her explore his nectar,...
caressing her back,
Neil slowly started to unzip her frock,
he didn't let the frock
flow down her curves landing on ground,.

Instead holded the frock
with left hand and
started to caress her bare back
tenderly making Avni to maon loudly
in kiss and the pase she was in kissing Neil increased letting Neil to smile at her antics,..
Moving back slowly making Avni hold onto behind wall,
Making her hit the wall,
Neil picked her in his arms classping her legs around his hips,
Started to kiss Avni hungrily like a beast seeing
she is back to normal form,..
Breathing normally.

20-mins more later,
Avni removing her swollen lips from his placed her lips,
on his neck kissing his sweet spot turning his already turned up buldge,
Making Neil groan loudly...
Neil's hands reached to bottom of her hips down to her tights ,
Under the frock...
caressing her already wet panty
making Avni to moan his name loudly by the external pressure building inside her.
She had already cummed lot in 40-mins of kiss,.
Her panty is damp floaded with white sticky liquid,..
And Neil is making her cum more.

Avni :- Neilu...Nei..luu...

Neil :-  Fuck Avii...I can't control more...
Go and get changed...but haa remember not to wear any inners.
I am waiting Babu.

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