C H A P T E R . 76

160 27 13

Story continues...,

Driver turned around with a smirk seeing him Avni shocked as he is not Ramu Kaka , her driver .
He is Shekar ,
Karam's right hand .
Seeing him Avni started to feel dizzy , her head started to feel heavy ,
she sawed beside her,
who is her P.A smirking .
She understood she got trapped in Karam's cluches .
Taking her phone out immediatly she called Neil ,
who didn't picked the call ,
she messaged him but before her message be sent she collasped on seat loosing senses , before lossing her concious ,
She could only hear what Shekar saying ,

Shekar  :-  Now you are going to reach your real home Avni Mam .
Boss will be happy seeing you .
Our work is done , Reba .

Smirking he talked to Avni new P.A who is Reba appointed by Karam's Man to kidnap Avni .

Reba :-  Shekar sir , should I message Neil Khanna about Avni mam kidnap ?

Shekar :- Not yet Reba . Let Neil Khanna know by himself , that we had successfully kidnapped his precious wife from him .

Reba :- Ok sir but what about Karam sir !
Should I say him ?

Shekar :- You no need to say to anyone about anything Reba .
Your work is done here .
You have acted nicely like we said you to act .
From now on you will be personal assitant to Avni Mam .
Remember that to treat Mam like a queen , warna Karam sir will kill us both .

Reba :- I know sir how obsessed Karam sir is with Avni mam .
I thought , I could help Karam sir and he will pleasure me as he promised , but you are saying to be Avni Mam's assistant .

Shekar :- Karam sir is man of words Reba .
If sir , promised you of something then he will surely do it .
And what you are asking is his weakness and favorite thing to do then how do he back off .

Reba :- Shekar sir , Raman sir is calling to Avni Mam's phone .

Shekar :- Switch of Mam's phone quick Reba . What are you doing till now without switching off the phone .

Reba :-Sorry sir .

Shekar :-  Few more minutes then we are out of Mumbai then Neil Khanna will never catch us .

Saying Shekar raised the speed of the car ,
which is now 130 speed .
Reba as given a high level of cloroform to Avni mixed in water which she drank after closing the windows from smoke .
It is all pre-planned .

Raman continuous calls made Parth and Alekya worried .
Once Avni didn't lift the call , Raman again called to her only to hear swtichoff from other side .
By now Raman is feeling damn anxious , worriedness started to take over him .
He called Neil , DD but both of them didn't lift the calls either .

Calling Parth ,Alekya , Ishitha making them worried Raman is present sitting on chair in the hotel room where he should be having meeting with cilents , who left after waiting for 2-hours for Avni to come .
Asking the driver to drive to home ,
Hurridly Raman entered the Mehta house , seeing no one in house he went to Khanna mansion .
Alekya is already present their while Parth had entered the mansion with him worriedly .

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