C H A P T E R .67

181 35 25

Story continues ....,

Ishitha :-  Avuu...baby please stop crying Bacha . Tillu is searching Jerry everywhere Bacha , clam down baby . Nothing will happen to our Jerry .

Avni :-  It's my mistake . I shouldn't have leave her alone . I should have understand her emotion before hand Mama that she is not ready to leave me . She is afraid of something .
What kind of parent I am....unable to see my baby emotion .

Raman :-  Superstar , clam down , there is nothing as such Bacha

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Raman :-  Superstar , clam down , there is nothing as such Bacha . Don't think rubbish . Our Jerry will be fine . You know right without you even Jerry can't live .
Tu dekhna , she will be here in  no time .

Prakash :-  Raman you stay with Princess , I am going to see Neil  , what he is upto .

Raman :-  Ok , Prakash . Ishuu bring some water for Princess .

Ishitha :-  Ha Raman .

Raman :-  Bacha , see as I promise we won't let anything happen to Jerry . Neil is there na , he will bring Jerry back . He can't see you like this Princess .

Avni :-  I want my Jerry , Papaa . I want my baby .

Ishitha :-  Raman , here is the water .

Raman :-  Ha thanks Ishuu , Princess here drink some water .

Avni :-  No Papaa , I don't want .

Raman :-  No ...Princess , drink somewater , our Jerry will be fine .

Avni :-  No Papaa , untill unless I don't see my baby infront of me fine . I won't drink nor eat anything .

Ishitha :-  Avuu...what are you saying Bacha ! Raman promised na , Jerry will be here till morning then..why are taking such harsh decisions bacha .

Avni :-  I don't want to listen to anything Mama except my Baby is back .

Raman :-  Princess...

Bebe :-  Let it be Raman . Avu puttar clam down a bit . Jerry will be fine . Tillu hai na , wo lekhe ayega Jerry ko with him . You trust your Neil na ...clam down puttar .

Everyone sitting around tried alot to make Avni normal ,
But she is not in a mood to become normal .
She only want to see Jerry infront of her eyes ,
safe and sound .
An hour passed by but there is no sign of Jerry .

Neil is trying every possible way to find her .
But it became impossible .
They have found the van which kidnapped Jerry , following the number board of the van , they found many of the vans are of the same brand are with same number board .
Which made Neil to loose the location of Jerry .
Prakash kept on updating about Avni asking from Raman in phone to Neil , which made Neil to loose his control .
He knew ,
Jerry means alot to Avni .
Avni for once doesn't used to scold Jerry even when there was her mistake .
Jerry is her first baby , loves her like anything .
She is really a good pet parent ,
There were days where Neil used to get jealous of seeing Avni and Jerry bound .

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