C H A P T E R . 31

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Story continues ...

Reaching room first thing Avni did was to message Parth saying
"THANK YOUU , Mannuu " .

She is so thankfull for him to make her realize her feelings . Parth is there for her in every phase of her life . When ever she need to clam herself , to take decision , to see things clearly .

  He make her understand very clamly . Which she loves alot in him .

It is not like she don't know how to think or take decisions but she never thinks before doing or saying anything . She just say and do what is in her mind and after saying or doing that thing only she understands how her decisions miss-fires , though some times .

Saying " marrying both " was also said just like that without thinking and now she is facing consequences for that mistake i .e her father anger .

After Parth came into her life only she had changed this habit of hers . Understood how important it is to think twice before taking any decision . But still sometimes she feels confused and end up messing things but Parth , he is always there beside her supporting , encouraging , helping and making things clear for her without her saying anything he understands her inner turmoul .

he don't know how he understands her this cleary . She is like a open book to him .

She is so glad that she as Parth with her as a " Good Friend " , a " Lovable , Lovely , Cute possessive Lover " like Neil , a " Caring and supporting " father like Raman .

Every girl dreams of a bestifriend like Parth , Lover like Neil and Father like Raman and Avni has  them in her life , indeed she is lucky .

Smiling to herself she started to pack her luggage her closet is full of cloths arranged in order , so it didn't take much time for her to pack . She is so excited for this new journey with Neil , her Love .

She understood her father anger will subside with time all he needs is sometime to get back to tracks . He need some alone time when ever he is in anger with anyone . His anger is reasonable , he wants his princess to be with the person she loves and realized her feelings truely and not to take any decision in hurry .

That's the reason why she planned this trip , yes she realized her love for Neil but still before saying to Neil or her family she wants a clear cut view about it , she thought by spending some alone time with him she will not only feel her Love for him but also can see his true Love for her .

She already knows how much Neil love her but still she wants to know more , see more . Know him completly . So that when she finally says her decision she will be confident .

After packing and getting ready she stood infront of her parents room to take their permission .
Knocking the door she entered after listening her mama voice . Raman is facing window not seeing her face not able to take anymore she hugged her father and started to weep .

She can take anything but not her father's anger .

Avni :- Papaa I know how wrong I was , I should have think before uttering those words I am so sorry Papaa , I promise never ever I will repeat it , please talk to your princess I can't take it anymore , it is hurting me badly Papaa . Before to I made you angry many times but you never ignored me , never stopped talking with me but now when you had stopped talking I understood how badly I hurted you with my words though unintentionally .

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