C H A P T E R . 9

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Soon three days has passed and everyone are busy in their own works .

            Avni  is busy in keeping her mother away from knowing about the birthday party preparations by keeping herself and ishu both busy in her studies, as she and raman had plannad by doing like this avni's exams will be saved and ishu will also not know about the party .

        Where as Parth  kept himself busy in preparing his loves and his sir's customized art and kept on counting on the days to meet his Love for the Second time and is excited as well . He is not only happy and excited to meet his bacha i.e avni but also to meet his newly found family as par raman say . He is  equally excited to meet Nanno as he didn't meet her after that day has he is not going to park from last few days .Though he is happy that he found his love but also scared , the reason don't know to him himself ! But kept a hope that what ever it will be he will not let go of Avni so easily as he knew that  she is a tough nut to crack .

            Mean while in khanna mansion both Neil and Prakash  are chit chatting and planning what to gift for ishu on her birthday .Both of them are confused  to what to gift as they are going to meet ishitha after  so long ,even babe is in video call and three of them are not understanding what to do . Prakash is excited to meet nanno , ishitha his sis and avni after long though he had already met avni 3 days before still he is excited to listen to her cute talks , whereas Neil is busy in dreaming about his kiddo , he is excited to meet ishitha his mom after what seems to be like years , he decided to say his feelings to his ishu maa about avni and want to see her reaction ,somewhere he is anxious about her reaction but still decided to say them to her on her birthday or some other day but he dicided he will say his feelings to her before he leaves India .
          After lot's of discussions three of them decided what they wanted to gift and talked for some more time in middle  some teasing of neil from bebe with his kiddo's name and at the end he ended up being all red .

Next day  :-

At the evegning :-

In Mehta Mansio  :-

   It is decorated like a some fairy house with lot's of unicorns , toys ,pinkish curtains ,fairy's   every where all credits goes to Avni for this amazing decorations .She decorated it like a  neonant's birthday party instead of for her Maa's birthday party .When Raman sawed the decorations he couldn't say anything but stood like a statue for entire 30minutes when avni asked him about the same i.e how are the decorations he couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud .

Avni:-Papaa why are you laughing ??? Being all puzzled she asked .

Raman:- Avvuuu , kya hai ye sab ? Birthday tumhari mama ki hai koi choti bachi ki nahi !!!

Avni:- I know papaa , that's why i decorated with fairy's as mama loves fairy's and she is a fairy in my life .I selected this fairy theame as my mama is a real fairy and this is my love for her so that everyone get's to know that my mama is a Real Fairy ...

Raman:- Awwwww my baby ,i love your idea and even your mama will love it but see your mama is an elder lady so if anyone see's  this type of decoration in any elder functions then it will be awkward to your mama to us , I am not going to change any of your declration bacha but i will make some changes ok?

Avni:- But papaa , see na it is soo beautiful like a fairy house everyone likes this infact everyone loves this theme , it is different from all as my mama is different from all . What will happen papaa , why are you thinking about others ? Just say me you like it or  not ?

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