C H A P T E R . 83

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Avni :- Neil...

Neil :- Hmm....

Avni :- Neiluu please na...

Neil :-  Mmmm....

Avni :- Baby , only one spoon . Please...pretty please. 

Neil :-  Since 10-spoons you are saying the same Avii...I can't have more .
It's so tasteless.

Avni :- I know Janoaoa but it is must and should . See even I am drinking the plain vegetable soup .

Neil :- Please Jaan , don't stop eating what you like for me . I don't like that .
You can't eat even .
It's so soo soooo tastless...

Avni :-   Awwww my bachaa is very cute ,....but we don't have anyother option except to drink it Jaan .
When you are not allowed to eat or drink spice , normal taste then how do I ear or drink ....

Neil :- Avii...

Avni :- Jaan, sunno na when you have been not having anything when I was sick ,then how do I have anything when you are sick .
This is what my heart says not me doing to show the gratitude or favour . Don't twist my words now .

Neil :-   When did I said that even Avii....

Avni :- Am saying it front forth , so that you will not think something negative as such .

Neil :-  What ever it is am not going to have any more soup now . I feel like nausea Babu....leave me na..

Avni :-  Neiluuu stop acting . You hadn't even drank 5-spoons properly and saying like this....if you really feel like nausea then I know how you actually reacts and looks like .
Stop making these cute puppy faces and have it bachaa....please for me .

Neil :- You can't blackmail me Jaan...

Avni :-  Aren't you promised me , you will listen to every thing I say

Neil :- Ha , cause I thought you will be easy on me , but seems like your decision of being ladydon , strict isn't going to end anytime soon . What else option am left with ...so playing my ever favorite card ,
Puppy face .
It always work .
It doesn't get flop anytime .

Avni :- But this time your this puppy face doesn't work infront of me .

Neil :- This is cheating Aviii....

Avni :- Nothing is as such called cheating here Tilluu .

Neil :-   .........

Avni :- Achaa....baba teek hai my cute bacha...
Chalo lets do one thing .

Neil :-  What .

Avni :-  If you complete this whole soup then you can kiss me how much you want , I won't stop you .

Neil :-  Really....

Few days passed by
Avneil returned to HOME .
Nearly a month has passed by .
In this whole month many things have changed .
Lifestyle of Avni had totaly changed .
Getting up early morning around 6:00am freshing herself ,
preparing Neil's special diet , doing office work till an hour as once Neil gets up ,
he only want Avni beside him all the time .
He doesn't allow anyone near him except her for spong bath ,or to feed or to spend time with him .
He mostly started to stay grumpty when ever Avni needs to rush to office for any important meeting ,
he sleeps when ever she is not around mostly to kill the time as he can't do anything except it .

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