C H A P T E R . 20

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Neil's Provo :-

Finally , finally , finally I am sooo happy and the reason for my happiness is my Ishi maa . She accepted my proposal for Avii . After sharing all my feelings to her I am feeling relived . She said Yess . Even before I say about my feelings she asked me if I like Avii or not !!

I wasn't shocked by her question because I know she will ask me this . Moreover Maa gave me few days to spilt the truth .

But what shocked me was she asked if I Like Avni , how can she ask me like that ,
I said I don't like Avni because I Love her .

For a minute , for the first time I was angry on Ishi maa . How can she say my Love for Avni is Like !!!

And when I finally said all my heart she didn't speak for sometime . I know it is hard for her to digest this truth . May be she never thought that something like this will happen .

That I will love Avni because me and Avni met a month ago .
But when I said , I love her from childhood she was taken back .

Because she thought I love Avni as she is beautiful and it was love at first sight .

Ofcourse it is obvious that my kiddo is beautiful and anyone will love her at one insight .

Wait what anyone will love her !! What are you saying Neil are you mad . How can anyone else can love her when she is yours .

I should keep some bodygaurds for her safety . I can't take any risk , she is mine only mine . Yes Neil this is a nice idea so that you can keep track on her where abouts and her safety too . How did I missed this before . Anyways it is not late though .

Maa didn't accepted fully as she is angey on me for hiding this matter from her , even after saying sorry for many times she didn't melt .

For the first time she didn't melt for my puppy face too .
Anyways don't worry Neil she is Ishi maa she can't be angry on you for more days .

After silence of 4minutes Maa finally said she is happy for us but if Avii don't want to marry me or if she don't love me , Maa said she will not force Avii for anything .

I know my Avii is only mine . No one can snach her away from me .
And why my Avii ,my Kiddo will not love me , Neil Khanna's charm is something that no one can resist .

I know somewhere she also likes me but I will turn it into love soon .
I just can't wait to say my feelings to my Avii .

Ishi maa said she went out but not to office.
She went with Raman uncle but not to office then where did she went ??

These days uncle is not taking good care of my Bachcha . He is just leaving her like that .

Where can she goo ?? Other then uncle these days she is being with Parth .

Parth !! Yes she is with him only that's why she is not picking up my calls nor replying to my messages .

We were soo good those few days but everything changed after me coming to U . S .

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