C H A P T E R . 74

212 27 13

Story continues...,

Next day morning
Khanna Mansion .

Prakash , Bebe and Nanno are sitting on dinning table reading newspaper waiting for youngersters to come for breakfast .
Raman is busy in ordering the bodyguards to keep a clean check on every surroundings , not to allow any stranger near Avni
while Ishitha is packing the things for long drive .
Mumbai to Chikmangalur takes lot of time near a day to reach the place .
It is a long , tiring journey ,
so Ishitha is making the needed arragements for everything .

Parth had arrived to the Mansion , taking elders blessings he sat on breakfast table .
Three of them will be going to Alekya house to pick her up so save the time as her house is on the way .

Getting ready Neil came down the stairs , decending to hall the first thing he done is to call DD .
Neil had invited DD as well but DD having a personal work , he couldn't make it up .
Talking with DD , Neil sat on his place wishing elders .
Raman , Ishitha joined as well .
Everyone are waiting for Avni to come , Neil said she takes time to come as she is packing some things ,
All of them are waiting for her .
Decending down the stairs , she sat beside Neil giving a smile to everyone .

Looking at Avni face it is very clear that she didn't slept well , knowing the reason already which was her nightmare , no one asked her anything .

Raman :-  Princess , is everything is packed ! Neil said you are doing last minute packing .

Ishitha :-  Avu , why are you doing packing bacha , you can say me . I will helped you na .

Avni :- Mama relax , I didn't packed anything . Neil hai na , he did all the packing . When your son gives me chance to do any work then I can ask for anyone help , when he is not allowing me  to pack my own luggage , how do I ask for help Mamaa .

Bebe :- It is good na puttar . Your are lucky to have a husband like Tillu .

Avni :- Ha Bebe , I accept it but if he does all the work and make me lazy then one day he will scold me for becoming lazy .

Neil :- You know very well Avii , I won't scold you . Eat breakfast before it gets cold .

Prakash :-  Parth beta , what about  Alekya ! Is she ready ?

Parth :- Ha uncle , she message me 5mins back she is ready and waiting for us .

Avni :- Once breakfast is done we can go Mannu , don't miss Alkaa so much . Few more minutes , you can meet her .

Parth :- When did I said am missing Alekya !! Madam .

Avni :- What is there to say in it , I can sense it .

Ishitha :-  If Tillu is in your place , Parth by now he will be in Avni place to pick her up neglecting breakfast . True or not Tillu .

Neil :- Obviously Maa , you are right .

Bebe :- Besharam , for once you don't think before saying anything na Tillu , infront of your family ,  you are acting like a desperate person .

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