C H A P T E R . 8

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Next day ,
In Mehta house :-

Ishitha:-  Avuuu , why are u roaming back of me in morning morning ? Do you want something ?

Avni:- Just noddes her head .

Ishitha :- What you want to have  for breakfast  say me i will prepare it for you !

Avni:- Mamaa ,,....

Ishitha:- Avvuu are you alright , ?

Avni:- Mamaa i am sorry very sorry ,...

Ishitha:- Sorry but for what  beta ,come here why are you crying ! Haaa?

Avni:- While hugging ishitha , Mamaa i am really very sorry yesterday morning i said that i like you instead of i love you ! At that time i really don't know that these two are two different meaning words , i am sorry mama i love you i really do ,  more than my life.  You , papaa and nanno are my whole world i can't leave without you people .Papaa said me how wrong i was and even i realized that  , i promise i will never ever will repeat it again . Yesterday when i came home you were not present at hall when i asked nanno she said you were in your room doing some work and when i came back after freshining up for dinner you were silent and didn't even look at me !!  you know how sad i was then only i understood how much i had hurt you by my words .

Says all this while  crying and
Hiccupping in middle .

Ishitha:- Aviii baby look at me , why are you crying bacha ? You were not wrong and i am not even angry on you but i am angry on your papaa  ,he for once didn't picked my call and when he pickup he said you people will come home after having your dinner ! How can he keep you for all   for himself ? Do you know how much me and your nanno missed you from morning , so when i had heard car sound i went upstairs so that i will not show my anger to you !  after sometime when i though to talk to you chat with you again your papaa said that he will take you to his office tomorrow . In that anger i didn' t paid attention to you i am sorry beta .

Avni:-  You are not angry with me mamaa for i had said ?

Ishitha:-  It  was not even a matter for me bacha ,  i know you love me alot just to tease me  you said that ! Now comeon say me what you want to have , i will feed you with my own hands today .

Avni:-  Thank you mama for forgiving me , you are the best , i love you . I will have pohhaaa and i didn't even said you what i had did all the day with papaa ,where we went everything .

Ishitha:-  Ha pakka even i have to know what you people had did .Now go and see what your papaa is doing and ask him to come down fast for breakfast if not he will not have today breakfast because i am not going to wait for him today .

Avni:-  Okk mama i will go and say to papaa about your  warning .

Ishitha:- Don't run avvu  !!

Avni:- Oopss sorry mama .Papaaa ,papaaa ...

Raman:- I am  here avuu ,

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