C H A P T E R .80

211 43 40

Celebrating Unworthy and Unsuccessfull  80-chapters of
"Oh to love and to be loved" .

With lots of love and entusiam I have started this story thinking to give a try on my writing skills .
80 chapters passed by yet there is no increasement of votes , new readers or comments .
Only few readers which are finger coutable read and gives review with interest .
Only for them I have wrote 80 chapters .

This should be happy movement of any writers life but it is not for me ,  for a sad movement as even after updating 80-chapters with good amount of storyline , my story was a "Flop" one .
Bitter truth of my life , where I have failed to prove myself as a Writer .

With a slight hope not now but soon votes will be increase I kept upgrading my writing skills , story changing the lines according to your wish ....done everything possible to make my story "Hit" but it became a  "Disaster".

No one likes my stories .
Even now I don't know what I am lacking in that every damn author gets 100+ votes for every chapter even when the story is in starting and here me who doesn't get a minimum 50 votes .
Leave 50 till date not even one chappy of mine crossed 30 votes ., show how failed I am . How Unworthy I am .

I understood by now No one likes my writings or stories or the  way I present it .
I knew all the time I say the same but what to do I can't stop myself from showing my grief as only I know the pain .
Only I knew how much hard work I am putting to pen just one update which is always 4k+ words .
No author gives every chapter a 4k and 5k words , here I am penning every chapter with max 4,500 words , giving regular updates even when I am "Unrecognized" .

Thanks to all those Readers who supported me till now .

As No one is intrested in my stories and also am busy in my life with career , am planning to end all the stories in some updates and Say Good Bye to you all forever so that no one will get actually bore or irritated by my unintrested updates .

This story is going to end , story is nearing it's end and am not going to drag it any futher as No one is also instrested in reading them .
80- chappies plus no votes then why to drag unnecessary

Thank you once again for supporting me till now dear few supporters .
Only for you guys am updating the story .


Neil :- What happened Parth , why are you sad ? Did you had any fight with Alekya ?

Parth :- No am fine Neil . Why do you think am not fine .!!

Neil :- Since three days am watching you Parth , you are not like before . Being sad all time .

Parth :- Since three days am also watching Neil how Chinnu is ignoring me .
She stopped talking with me , if I ask anything just giving one word answers .
Avuu knew I can't live talking without her , yet she is ignoring me .
What have I done now Neil ! Have she said you anything about it Neil , why she is angry on me  ?
Why she is avoiding me ?

Neil :- Avii is not only talking with you Parth , she stopped talking with me too .

Parth :- What are you saying Neil ! She is with you 24/7 , taking care of you .

Neil :- She is with me Parth and is only doing her wife duties ,hiding her pain .
The thing is Avii , is angry on us .
She got to know the truth .
She is hurt that being with family , she got to know about our unborn child  and your infertility by a stranger , the beast of our life .

Oh to love and to be loved 💞Where stories live. Discover now