C H A P T E R . 5

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       Parth's provo:-

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       Parth's provo:-

                Am I dreaming ! Or it is true ? The eyes which i had seen in my dream few hours ago in the morning are standing infront me glaring ,scolding and what not ! I am very much  sure she is the one who i had seen in my dream , her eyes ufff those are so beautiful i have no words to describe her beauty . It means dreams come true and i am so happy i just can't describe my happiness , i don't want to describe my feelings for now but she is someone  whom i am waiting for years my heart is saying so and it is trembling like any movement it will burst and come out .
            If this is any kind of dream then i don't want to wake up from it ! If not my happiness as no bounds . In my dream i had only seen her beautiful eyes and mesmerizing smile but now i can see her whole face and she is the most beautiful ,pretty girl I have seen in my entire life and by any chance i don't want to leave her not now not never . Girl's will definetly  be jealous of her beauty and boys will drove over her and from now on it is my work to keep my lil mumchick safe , i decided !  This is the first time i am staring and observing a girl seriously while she is busy castigating me and i am loving it . Her expressions are changing for every nano sec and now her eyes her tearing up , ohh noo! Her eyes are now stucked on ground and for once i had changed my view from her face to where she is looking , she is crying for the broken art and my heart is paining seeing her like that  ,i know she had misunderstood me but i didn't care to clarify her because if i done so she will stop accussing me and i will miss her fiesty side , she is looking soo cute at the same time she is looking like a lil trigress chideing  me , my tigress only mine . Now i decided to name my feeling for her and it is nothing but "LOVE " . Yess i love her and she is only mine forever . If dream's come true then why not love at first site and more over god had shown me her in my dream then it means we both are destined to meet each other .

             When i thought of stopping her from crying before her tears comes out , a man around 40's came calling avu ,avu and in a slip of time my lil tigress is no where to be seen because she is talking to  that man precisely her father . When i looked at that man ,uncle  i got shocked because he is no one but Raman  Mehta ! It means avu  my lil tigress is daughter of Raman sir  ......wait it means who i had met today morning at park i . e dadi is raman's sir maa and the voice of the  girl whom i had imagined it to be a small girl of 5-6years age is actually avu? God what a day ,what  a susprising day it is , precisely morning but i am happy that i have met my lil trigress . By  composing myself i started  to eardrum what avu is saying to her father ,she is saying that i had broken her glass heart ,, oh so she is complaning to her father about me not bad but i am unable to see her tears, they are flowing continously from her beautiful doe shaped  eyes .

        In mean time my manager came and explained the whole situation that I am the owner of " UnArt" shop and the one who had  done the mistake is with them in his custody . And at this time when i looked at avu she is shocked to the core with wide eyes and looking at me for the first time ,blinking her eyes continously she immediatly went to hide behind raman sir ,peeking at me at every second  like a scared kitten ,Raman sir started to laugh by seeing  her cute antics while i am busy staring at her scared face ,smile never leaving my lips .She is soo cute to handle ,my bacha .Thinking about her I started the coversation with Raman sir ,

Parth:- Ahh sir i am really very sorry for what ever happend here few movements ago .

Raman:- Sorry !  Why are you saying sorry beta ? My daughter accused you for the mistake you have not done ! I am sorry on her behalf  .

Parth:-  Sir please don't say sorry it is not her mistake too,  it was just an misunderstanding .

Raman:- So kind of you young boy ,please don't call me sir i am Raman.Mehta , you can call me uncle  beta , i have heard alot about you and my wife is your big fan that's why today me avu my daugther are here to purchase your art collection  for her birthday and i have to say you really have a nice collection of art .

Parth:- Thank's alot sir, it means alot to me and i cannot call you uncle sir as you are my inspiration . I am parth , Come sir we will go to my office and talk and my manager as said that you need some customized art works , i am here to discuss about it and about the broken glass piece i will fix it .(because i know my avu loved it and now at any cost i will make it up to her ,this will be my first gift to my avu).

Raman:- Nice to meet you Parth ,  but still i prefer uncle anyways i need to make a call it takes 10min for me to complete it till then you can ask avu about that glass piece because even i had not seen it .Avu beta be with parth for few minutes i will be right back prakash had called me 15times by now and he is calling me  now again !!

Avni: Papaa how can i be with a stranger that to  for 10min ? You might know him but not me na ! And moreover what is there to say in that glass piece ,  i don't know how to describe it  (says by pouting all the while ).

Avni: Papaa how can i be with a stranger that to  for 10min ? You might know him but not me na ! And moreover what is there to say in that glass piece ,  i don't know how to describe it  (says by pouting all the while )

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Raman:- Avuu do you really think i will leave you with some stranger ! I know you don't know him but you know me na ? You trust me na?

Avni:- I trust you with all my life papaa , ok then if you are saying so i will stay with him and say details about glass art  ,say sorry to prakash uncle on my behalf i had spoiled your meeting and haa come fast now gooo!!

Raman:- Sorry baby yuhi chali yuhi aayi and haa i will say sorry  to prakash on your behalf don't worry ok. Parth please take care of her for sometime and avuu don't come outside this shop okk.

Avni:- Okkk papaa now goo naa and come faasst.

Parth:-Don't worry sir i will take care of her and we will be in this shop only.

     Saying thank you to parth ,  raman goes out to call prakash ,parth tries to start the conversation while avni is busy looking around the shop .She is fine now but somewhere she is still sad by thinking about her fab glass piece ,while observing avni's face parth got to know that she is still thinking about that glass art and he thoughts of diverting her mind .

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