C H A P T E R . 25

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This update is surpise gift to hruta18 my Ruuu   ,   your birthday gift from me sweetpie .
Advance Happy birthday Rutu .

Story continues :-

Parth :- Don't be shock bachcha . Uncle had asked me why you were sad few days back as he though I might know the reason .

Avni :- And you told him everything ! Didn't you ?

Parth :- Ha . There is no way I can hide it from uncle when he trust me . More over I thought it will be better if uncle knows about this so that he can help you . And uncle tried every small thing to divert your mind , didn't he bachcha ?
He didn't went to office those days and was with you every damn minute when ever you needed him .

Avni :- How do you know that Papaa was with me every minute and he didn't went to office ?

Parth :- I used to call uncle every day when you used to ignore my calls . You know now me and uncle are good friends who only want there Avuu's happiness . I shares everything related to you with him and vise versa .
Starting it was uncle who asked me a favour to keep delineate on your every move as he wants to know whether you are happy or not , safe or not .

Avni :- Papaa...!!!

Parth :- He loves you more then himself Avuu , you are his life .

Avni :- I know Parthuu my Papaa is best , he is my Superstar and I am his Rock start . But how did Papaa got to know that you loves me !!!!

Parth :-I already told you na bachcha .!!

Avni :- Ha you already said me about it , but I want to know it in full , I want you to elaborate me each and every detail Parthuuu . Not in brief !!!

Parth :- Okkk , After aunties birthday  party , the next day  came to my office  to discuss some matter . First I thought it was related to some office stuff but when he asked me DO I LOVE YOU ! I was stunned that how did uncle got to know about my feelings towards you . It was only few days we met each other by then .

Avni :- Then ... aage bolo naa .

Parth :- Then , I didn't spoke anything as I felt like someone stabbed my heart , I was afriad to answer because I know no Father will allow his daughter to hangout with someone who loves her when he knows the matter . And uncle is more posessive for you so there are 101%chances that uncle might warm me to stay away from you and I can't afford to do that . I can't live without you bachacha you are my breath .

Avni :- Then what you said to him ???

Parth :- After gaining courage I just told that what I felt for you . That how much I love you . I know he may felt angry on me but I don't want to keep uncle in dark by lying to him because at the end I can't face myself nor face uncle in future . That lie will keep on haunting me and will never let me be in Peace .

Avni :- Then what papaa said ?

Parth :- You can't wait ! Can you ? ( Smiling to himself looking at her cute pouty face , he started to narrate . )

Uncle was shocked as expected but he asked me how do I love someone who I met few days back . It can't be any love at first sight as Uncle don't believe in such things . And I started to explain the truth that , I love you even before seeing you or meeting you . I said him everything . Uncle just listened to me quitely without any expression on his face .

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