C H A P T E R . 60

219 32 17

Story continues ...,

Kushi :-  KVP means.. means...
Karam Vidyut Pandit .

Parth :-  What !!! Vidyut ...

Parth shocked listening to Kushi , mostly seeing her shivering and knowing the name .
He took her in his arms hugging her .

Kushi :-  Not Vidyut Bhai , Karam .
Karam and Vidyut are twin brothers .
Karam is elder to Vidyut .
Who is the Chief of KVP companiess .

Parth :-  What ....


KVP :-  I am Karam baby doll , elder brother of Vidyut . I am glad you still remember Vidyut whom your Husband had killed brutally .

Avni :-  Ka..r..am...Karam...

KVP :-  Yup thats me baby doll .

KVP :-  Yup thats me baby doll

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Avni :-  K..a..r...a..m .

KVP :-  You don't know me Senorita but I do know you , very well . Mainly your husband Neil Khanna knew me more then anything anyone .
I am here today to take revenge on him by taking you with me Baby doll .
Cause you belongs to me not him .
You are Mine , fix it in your sharp brain .

Avni :-  No..No..this cannot be happen . You are lying to me . My Neil doesn't kill anyone .

KVP :-  Ha how do you know about your husband deeds when you are so innocent and doesn't knew what he does in your back .
First answer me Baby doll do you remember Vidyut or not !

Avni :-  Ha...Ha I knew him .

KVP :-  Where was he from past days . How much you knew he was not seen from many days . Where is he !

Avni :-  I don't know . He doesn't matter to me . You first go out of my cabin .

KVP :-  Yeah how do you see him , know about him when your dear Husband has killed him brutally . Now it's your time to repent the mistake which he as done baby doll .

Avni :-  Stop calling me Baby doll ...stop lying . Stop accusing my Neil for the sin which he didn't done .

Outside the cabin ,
Sunheri is trying alot of ways to get into the room but couldn't as Shekar has kept bodyguards guarding the door , no one to enter into the cabin .
Hearing some loud voices Alekya who is in video meet ending the call she comes out of the cabin only to see many persons guarding Avni cabin door .
Trying to come inside for some minutes , when she unable to do so taking a phone she tried calling to police atleast to Neil .
But Neil phone was busy and so DD having no other option she called Parth who is busy with Kushi making her normal , his phone is in silent and so didn't see Alekya is calling him .

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